Hello Canyon Hills!
Good Morning and Happy Sunday! We hope you had an amazing holiday and were able to rest and recharge for the three weeks leading into our next Holiday. This is a wonderful time of the year and a time to be grateful for all that we have especially in these unprecedented times. It is also a time of year we have lots of items on the calendar so make sure you check them out.
We have several Performing Arts events: a play and a music concert (above is Winter Guard who were invited to perform at the The Southern California School Band and Orchestra Association (SCSBOA) Field Band Championships are the marching band equivalent of CIF Championships over the break and crushed it!---thats a hint that you might wanna check them out in the upcoming week on December 10th! Details on calendar
A Powderpuff game, winter sports starting, and a Spirit Week. We also have in the upcoming weeks a vaccine clinic and our Saturday School is beginning.
Vaccine Clinic:
I’m happy to report that Sharp has agreed to do vaccine event at Canyon Hills HS on 12/13/21- Monday. Sharp vaccine events have all types of the Pfizer vaccination, pedi dose included. The times will be from 1000-1200.
Here are some important information points:
Students eligible for vaccines are anyone age 5 and over. Pfizer vaccine is the only brand approved for students 5 and over
New recommendations are that anyone 14 days past a COVID positive infection can receive vaccine, as long as their symptoms have resolved.
Paper consents are attached for parent signatures. They include the new age qualifications of 5 and older. They are attached on this email.
Students older than 12 years old at the host site only need a signed consent
It is recommended the site have an egress pattern that is close to an entrance or exit site from school, as to not disturb the students Clinic Day Information:
Consents are translated into multiple languages, Please send them out to your students, if they are the host schools students they only need the consent
English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Somali, Tagalog, Arabic, and Swahili
Anyone age 18 or older can schedule an appointment or walk in.
Clinic is open to community, staff, families and students.
Appointments are encouraged but not mandatory
myturn.ca.gov (link for appointment)
Saturday School:
Does you child have tardies or unexcused absences that will prevent them from future events and activities or a student who may need tutoring?????? Saturday School is a way to make these up. TO SIGN UP CLICK THIS LINK: tinyurl.com/CHHSCOREACADEMY
Each child who was eligible--and its almost everyone--got a letter with the link to sign up. Please make sure you are checking PowerSchool daily.
We are having an uptick in issues in the bathrooms. We will not tolerate it. The other HS Principals are reporting the same thing so this isn't limited to here. We had a meeting today and will be implementing a new plan to address this issue. We take it seriously, however we are stronger in numbers...please let your children know if they see something they should report it.
Gifts for the Holidays!!!
This time of year is also the time we like to give gifts. There are two ways in which we are offering ways to not only gift your loved ones but also help the school. Here's how:
2. SWAG Store
Need Tutoring from a TEACHER??? Here is the schedule: School-wide Tutoring Schedule! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1425zttn_c4wJVceahL_e5snF7iFbY_Zg/view
Vaccine Mandate:
The district is MOVING FORWARD with this despite what you may be hearing on the news. Please go to this page: https://sites.google.com/sandi.net/nursingwellness/covid-19-vaccine This page has so many great questions about Student Vaccines!
The school is not the decision maker on these issues. Many of you are trying to meet with office or CHHS Admin about this issue. We hold no power and we have all the same information I have put out and nothing more. I know as little as you do and am awaiting more details. I know it's frustrating.
If you are receiving text messages from someone telling you you are in close contact or non close contact it is REAL and is the district. Depending on who contacts you they aren't being the most transparent in identifying themselves. You have every right to ask what entity they are from, but more than likely they are from SDUSD or Dept. of Health.
1. How do I know that the district has a copy of my child's vaccine status?
Any time you get a vaccine it goes into the county registry--whether you knew it or not--this database is what is used. You DO NOT need to provide us with your vaccine card. We got your status at the district and will only access it when it is time to do so. The exception is if you got the COVID-19 vaccine out-of-state or on a military installation.
2. When will my student have to leave CHHS and where will they go if they are unvaccinated?
The beginning of Semester 2 then your child can go to IHIGH Virtual Academy in SDUSD. Please look them up on the district website and ENROLL now! Do not wait as there is already a waiting list.
3. What if my child turns 16 in say March--what's the timeline then?
If your child turns 16 in Semester 2 of 2022 then they must be vaccinated by the Fall.
4. But my student can still graduate with CHHS right?
No. You will no longer be a student of CHHS and therefore you would not be on our legal graduation document. Only students on the doc can graduate as graduation is a legal ceremony.
5. Can my student attend Prom, and senior events?
No. You are not a student of our school any longer. In addition all those events will require you be vaccinated so you can not come as a guest. Grad Night may be different please consult the Boosters for more information.
Lastly, know that when you switch school Junior or Senior year you will be asked by college why that transfer occurred. If vaccination is the answer and that college has a vaccination mandate then you may have your acceptance rescinded or not accepted at all---Food for though so make sure you are exploring which schools have mandates and which do not when selecting schools to apply to.
We are here to support you through all of this and appreciate your support. Please also know that many times we--or I--find out when you do, and anything is subject to change based on powers outside of the school--example: State mandate or BOE decisions.
Monday:Staff Meeting in the AM
Tuesday: Governance Meeting AM
Wednesday: Parent Foundation Meeting--Link on calendar
Thursday: Nothing
Friday: Theater Class Performance in the Little Theater at 7pm and Powderpuff game--more on this
UC and CSU application deadline is right around the corner, November 30th. However 4 sites have now extended it to December 15th. They are:
December 15, 2021 to 11:59 p.m. PST
• San Diego State
• San Jose State
• Fresno State
• Cal State LA
• Cal Poly Pomona
FAFSA deadline is March 2, 2022, yet the sooner you submit your application the better chance you have of getting more financial aid. We work with UCSD CalSoap to host CalSoap Workshops to help students and parents complete their FAFSA. If you are interested in scheduling a one on one appointment please select a date: https://www.calsoapsandiego.org/workshops
PEER TUTORING for the Class of 2025--but everyone is welcome!
Peer tutoring is now offered 5 days a week, before school, at lunch, and after school! Sign up or walk in. CHHS Juniors and Seniors can't wait to help you!
Link to sign up:
Do you have a Senior? Well CHHS has a Booster Club so you can stay up to date on things and events pertaining to them:
The Canyon Hills/Serra Parent Class Boosters is a parent organization that supports your student's graduating class with activities and events not typically sponsored by the school. As your student approaches senior year, through fundraising and donations, this group helps offset the cost and implement activities like grad-night, prom, senior luncheon, graduation venue, powder-puff, and more.
The Canyon Hills/Serra Parent Class Boosters is a parent organization that supports your student's graduating class with activities and events not typically sponsored by the school. https://sites.google.com/view/serraclassboosters/home
Grad Nite Decision in! California Adventure, June 3, 2022. Mark your calendars! Ticket sales and info to follow.
website: https://sites.google.com/view/serraclassboosters/class-2022
Follow us on Instagram: @CHHS2022PBC
Follow us on Facebook: CHHS C/O 2022 PARENT
Follow senior class on Instagram: @chhsco22
We have raised $5100 of our $10,000 goal
Meeting: Monday, December 13, 2021 at 7:00 pm, Zoom link: Click here
Password: Escondido Meeting ID: 693 398 4637
Senior Class See's Candies Fundraiser ends December 3rd!
Earned $1000 of $5000 goal!
Click here to order!!! (https://www.yumraising.com/secure/canyonhhs_canyon_hills_hs_class_of_49/candy?h=May_Ruh5089&c=ot6951)
new email: canyonhills2023boosters@gmail.com.
website: https://sites.google.com/view/serraclassboosters/class-2023
Next Meeting: January 20,2022! The November and December meetings have been cancelled.
Dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts for only a $10 donation! Follow Click here: https://checkout.square.site/merchant/MLQ5X27KRHJZ8/checkout/WK65EMIQIURAZYI7ACSOSNQ3
We have our monthly Dream Dinners fundraiser coming up. This could help with dinners during this busy time.
To Order: https://dreamdinners.com/session/906045
Order by: Sunday 12/12
Delivery: Tuesday 12/14. At Canyon Hills Parking Lot by the tennis courts.
website: https://sites.google.com/view/serraclassboosters/class-2024
Join the registry: click here to receive info
Meeting: Topic: Class of 2024 Parent Booster Meeting Time: Monday, January 10th https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86216212254?pwd=QXRPZm1BdEllNWJ4R2VMcjNzTVVTQT09 Meeting ID: 862 1621 2254 Passcode: 317369
Dine-Outs and other fundraisers: see website
website: https://sites.google.com/view/serraclassboosters/class-2025
Join the registry: click here to receive info
Meeting: TBD
Dine-Outs and other fundraisers: see website