Hello Rattler Nation:
Our students have been very busy this week. They have been taking field trips and traveling to other schools for more than just athletics. We have basketball tonight at Hoover and Point Loma. We also had some huge celebrations!
Does your child need Summer School?????
Summer School is essential if you have a D or F in a course. It would be best if you recovered that graduation credit.
Click here to sign up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSezOh_mTMd2Ig9fcjQUE2KYBLfVSeMzksex8NoP60ap0gga_w/viewform
VAPA Honors!
We congratulate Danieska Mejia Estrada and Jack Phillips for winning the VAPA Spotlight awards. They both also won scholarship money of 250.00. We are so proud of them and their representation of our VAPA programs!

Nicholas Urmaza (sophomore) had the honor of representing Canyon Hills in the All-State Honor Band for oboe in Sacramento. He was one of 16 high school oboists in the state. He was part of the Golden State Band. The group practiced for the first time together on Thursday night and performed five pieces at a concert on Sunday morning at the Sacramento Memorial Auditorium. They were truly amazing!!! The music was so beautiful it moved me to tears!
Mark Your Calendars:
Feb. 15, 2024: Minimum Day with dismissal at 1:30
Feb 16 (Friday) and Feb 19th (Monday) NO SCHOOL: Presidents Day Weekend
Students in Action:

Academic League:
CHHS AL took league powerhouse, Mission Bay High School, to the final toss up question before dropping the first match of the season.

The Black College Expo was attended by many of our Juniors, and they got exposure in front of a large amount of HBC and one student got a full ride on the spot. See below.

Madison Mayes got a full ride on the spot at Harris Stowe State University in St. Louis, MO. She goes into the Presidential Portal for next year's entering class. She took pictures with the University's President and our Superintendent, Dr. Jackson, above!

ROAR (Women of Color) Breakfast was attended by Kaelyn Palmer above. She got to meet Dr. Shirey Webber, California's Secretary of State, and be celebrated for her accomplishments, and be amongst role model both in our community and beyond.

Our top-rated step team has started attending our games and supporting our students on top of our cheerleaders. We are so lucky to have them, and their routines are amazing.
BioMedical Students do Genetic Counseling: The staff was asked to pretend to be patients or families of patients who have to go through genetic counseling. This not only reinforced lessons in the classroom on genetic diseases but also helped students work on their bedside manner. We had a great time participating!

What I Wish My Parents Knew
In December, we had our first in-person “What I Wish My Parents Knew” forum since COVID-19, and it was a success with nearly 50 adults and youth in the audience! During last week’s event, adults and teens had small group discussions surrounding a variety of topics, such as mental health, substance use, communication, trust, and boundaries. What I Wish My Parents Knew focuses on strengthening the communication between parents and teens around often tough-to-talk-about topics. Check out some photos from the event, including a local resource sheet. For information about how you can connect with the “What I Wish My Parents Knew” program, please get in touch with Stacy Chiles at schiles@saysandiego.org.
Resources are below as well!
California Healthy Kids Survey: PARENT EDITION


We have Musical rehearsals all week.
Tuesday is our Governance Meeting
Thursday is a Minimum Day
Friday is NO SCHOOL, and so is MONDAY
Saturday School is how you make up work and clear those tardies! There is only 13 left, and the dates through Spring Break are posted so you can plan.
Here is the signup information:

Athletics: ALL ATHLETIC INFORMATION--PLEASE GO TO https://chrattlers.com/.
We are now doing an Athletic Weekly; this is created with the most accurate data we have at the time, and we understand things change at the last minute, so always check MaxPreps as well.
Athletic Weekly:




Booster Clubs are created by each "Class Of" to raise funds to create unforgettable experiences for your students. Items include caps for graduation, prom ticket prices, organizing Grad Night, and having fundraisers to pull this off. They work very hard and need your support. Please go to your student's "Class Of" website and join the registry to stay up to date on all things going on with your student's graduating class.

Main Parent Booster Website