Hello Rattler Nation!
We have had an extremely stressful and heartbreaking week here. However, let's address a positive thing that occurred before addressing this upcoming school week. Above you will see a picture from our Safety Patrol Night last Friday at the Girl's Basketball Game. Our Safety Patrol students--5th graders-- got to do a high-five tunnel, and half-time show, and Vista Grande won the award for best SP from SDPD. We are so proud of how they behaved and how much fun they had. We are looking forward to hosting their awards ceremony in a few months.
Parent Nights for scheduling are happening this upcoming week, and details are below. NOTE: 9th-grade parents will join 10th-grade parents on Monday to make up for the canceled meeting. Principals Coffee is this upcoming Friday, and we will discuss all the positive things happening here at CHHS as we try to move forward and heal from the incidents this week.
Mondays Incident:
As you are all aware, Monday's incident is one that no school wants to have happened. This has happened on more than one occasion here at the school in my last seven years. I hope it's the last. However, because it has happened more than once, we have become very skilled in enacting protocols that are in place. We have them, and all staff is trained in them more than once a year, and we practice these drills with students for these purposes. We also have a student safety team that meets with us after every incident to review and, in addition, have an "after" meeting to collect data, and at times, SDPD is present to support.
My last message to you on this issue, I was as transparent as I could be, and the following day, I got on the PA and spoke to all the students at the school, reassuring them of their safety. I wanted them to hear my voice. There is nothing I won't do to protect your students.
Thanks to those who sent emails of thanks and the parents who dropped flowers off yesterday for the school, given the week we have had. It's a lot for your students but also for us as adults.
Accident on Santo Road:
For any severe accident in Tierrasanta, I am notified one way or another. Either by law enforcement, another principal, or a parent at all times, day and night. This is because if it happens to be a younger person, more than likely, they are associated with the school. This is the worst part of my job. This case was confirmed as one of our own. Our hearts go out to the family who still has ties here. We know this has caused suffering for everyone involved and crisis counselors are here all week. Many of you have reached out to the school for varying purposes: condolences, sending flowers and asking about meal trains and vigils.
We have been in contact with the family and are protecting their privacy and wishes. Should something come out and we need to rally our community, we will do so. Thank you to all that have reached out. This is a devastating event.
Thank you,
Dr. Renfree
SBB Survey:
Let me know how to spend monies for your students $$$$$$$$$
The 2023-2024 budget book is about to open. School Site Council consisting of parents, students, and staff, are asking all stakeholders to fill out a quick survey prioritizing the needs of the school so monies can be allocated for those things. Below you will find the parent version for you to fill out. Thank you for your time.
Here is also as link as well: https://forms.gle/RN49j3e5bj9bdPdK6
Prom and Winter Formal:
Tickets are going on sale soon. Please pay attention to the CHHS website.
Winter Formal: February 25th, 2023 at the Ruben H. Fleet Science Center
Prom: May 20th, Westin Gaslamp
You can now buy dance tickets on-line! Follow these easy steps.
1. A parent or guardian needs to CLICK HERE and create an account with “School Cash Online”.
2. Have your student’s ID number handy.
3. Choose which dance ticket you would like to buy.
On-line tickets can only be purchased for CHHS students. All non-CHHS students will need to turn in a physical dance agreement to the finance office and pay by cash or check.
Winter Formal Tickets are on Sale Now! Prom tickets will be available starting January 30. The first 60 seniors get a discounted price.
Absences and Eligibility SENIORS only:
Emails went out to all Seniors in their student emails telling them their absences and how many Saturday Schools they must attend. Please ask your student to show you the email. There are a few things to make a note of:
They are going to Saturday School and then continuing to be late--defeats the purpose.
They think Semester 1 doesn't count as Semester 2 starts. This is a rumor. Semester 1 has always counted except one year--right after Covid--in the last ten years here. We will be changing the permissions so you and your child can continue to see semester one attendance, hopefully today, so that you can keep track. Saturday School has been going on and continues to do so. Please see below to sign up:
Saturday School-
Saturday School is how you make up work and clear those tardies and absences!
Here is the signup information:
Athletics: Monday Lunch Meeting for all Athletes--students only
Friday Night Sports!
Basketball is away at High Tech High and Mira Mesa tonight. Let's Go, Rattlers!
We are now doing an Athletic Weekly; this is created with the most accurate data we have at the time, and we understand things change last minute, so always check MaxPreps as well.
9th Grade Academy!
Welcome to CHHS!
Ms. Elizabeth Ward, Vice Principal, Class of 2025, and the CHHS Admin team and Staff.
It’s that time of year AGAIN! Students get to choose classes for next year. Counselors will go into all grade-level English classes for the next few weeks. Parents can learn about the articulation process and course offerings by attending Parent Articulation Nights.
Class of 2025 AND 2026 Monday, January 30 at 6:00 pm in Media Center
Class of 2024 Monday, February 6 at 6:00 pm in Media Center
Summer School 2023
June 20, 2023-July 21, 2023
The summer school will be a five-week session, four period days, and Up to (4) credits earned. The tentative start time is 9:30 am, uncertain end time is 2:30 pm. More information and summer school student applications are COMING SOON.
Student Opportunities:
High School Students Interested in Teaching or STEM careers.
SDUSD scholarship opportunity for High School seniors interested in pursuing a career in education or STEM through a partnership with the San Diego Education Fund
The TEACH-LEAD San Diego team would like to connect with students.
Booster Clubs are created by each "Class Of" to raise funds to create unforgettable experiences for your students. Items include caps for graduation, prom ticket prices lowered, organizing Grad Night, and having fundraisers to pull this off. They work very hard and need your support. Please go to your student's "Class Of" website and join the registry to stay up to date on all things going on with your student's graduating class.
Main Parent Booster Website
Dr. Erica Renfree