Hello Rattlers!
We had a great week this week and we would like to thank each one of you for being very supportive by attending (virtual) Open House last night. Today is the end of grading period 1--although these grades do not go on student transcripts, they are a good indicator of progress. In addition, please go on Parent Portal and check your student's grades today. Please reach out to the teacher if you have any questions. Also please look at your child's attendance.
Grades should look like this:
Blue Slips for Appointments:
You MUST call in advance preferably at 8am. Once you call, we deliver the blue slip to your child and then all they have to do is come to the office and leave.
When you don't call, the procedure can take up to 15 minutes. We need to write the pass, then figure out where your student is, then we need to find someone to take it over to them and tell them, and interrupt the class for everyone. Please help us expedite this process.
New Building Pictures:
CHHS SWAG STORE IS OPEN: Design your own Swag!!!! This will be open all year!
Please read the blog especially under the COVID section as new information is there and is very important. Most important is that we need you to stop sending your child to school if they say they are sick--please check for any symptoms before your student leaves for school. Every day we have students coming into the office complaining of COVID symptoms and are having to go out on protocol. In addition, you must pick up your child within 45 minutes after you get the call to pick up your child. You can not refuse to come and get them. Thanks!
Vaccines-- Required Now by SDUSD Board of Education
Since the Board’s decision on Tuesday, September 28 to mandate vaccines for all staff and students 16 and older, I have heard from numerous members of our community about the impact this decision has had on them. As you can imagine, with over 1400 students and families and nearly 150 staff members, the responses have varied greatly. However, the one constant has been a desire for their voice to be heard. As I watched the Board meeting last week, I noted that nearly 1,600 families and community members had signed up to give public comment. Obviously, with a group that large, it simply isn’t feasible to hear from everyone. However, I can only imagine how frustrated those who had carefully crafted their heartfelt messages must have felt when they realized they would not have an opportunity for their voice to be heard. This was a great reminder to me that as your principal, I must do everything in my power to provide students, families, and staff the opportunity to share how the decisions we make impact our community. As a result, I would like to offer you the opportunity to share with the CHHS admin team (and the SDUSD Board of Education, SDUSD Leadership Team, and CA Governor Gavin Newsom, if you choose to do so) your thoughts on how this vaccine mandate is impacting you and your family. Responses will only be shared with outside entities (i.e., the Board of Education, District Leadership, CA Governor, Gavin Newsom) at the request of the respondent. Bryant H. McGill once said, “One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.”
While many aspects of this unprecedented time may be outside my control, what I will always offer the Canyon Hills community is a willingness to work side by side for the betterment of our students and an opportunity to ensure your voice is heard. I look forward to your responses and as always, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. Have a wonderful weekend.
Student Survey: https://tinyurl.com/CHHSStudentVaccines
Parent Survey: https://tinyurl.com/CHHSParentVaccines
Monday: Professional Learning Community in the morning for CHHS Staff.
Tuesday: Freshman and Sophomore Parent Night: 6-7:30pm LINK on website.
Wednesday: Junior and Senior Parent Night: 6-7:30pm LINK on website.
Thursday: Nothing
Friday: Nothing
Athletic Testing:
If you are an Athlete you must test weekly for COVID. If you are vaccinated you don't have to as it's voluntary. Please follow the instructions to sign up on chrattlers.com.
Do you have a Senior? Well CHHS has a Booster Club so you can stay up to date on things and events pertaining to them:
The Canyon Hills Parent Class Boosters is a parent organization that supports your student's graduating class (22, 23, 24, 25) with activities and events not typically sponsored by the school. As your student approaches senior year, through fundraising and donations, this group helps offset the cost and implement activities like grad-night, senior luncheon, graduation venue, powder-puff, and more. Let's connect so your student can have a great senior year!! https://sites.google.com/view/serraclassboosters/homePlease remind your students that school begins at 845 AM--be on time! We can't wait to spend another week with you!
We have a new email: canyonhills2023boosters@gmail.com.
A special Hello to all new parents who were recently signed-up during registration! So happy you have joined us! A little blurb about us: What are we and what do we do? We are the parents of the class of 2023 at Canyon Hills High School, known as Canyon Hills Class Boosters, who meet monthly to raise funds for and coordinate senior events for the Class of 2023. For all things class of 2023 - our zoom info, calendar info, fundraisers and dine-outs, can be found on our website: https://sites.google.com/view/serraclassboosters/class-2023 We meet every 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:30pm via Zoom. Our first meeting is THIS THURSDAY 9/16 @ 6:30pm - 7:15. We only have the free account limited to 40 minutes, unless someone has one we can use. :) Join Zoom Meeting https://us05web.zoom.us/j/81328764788?pwd=eEZWS1V4MzVFYklVcDR2dkxlQU1HUT09 Meeting ID: 813 2876 4788 Passcode: 7kKnw4 We have our first DINE-OUT! Mark your Calendars!
When: Wednesday October 20, 2021
Where: RUBIOS 9187 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. (858) 278-0726
Time: 2:00pm-8:00pm
Use code: DONATE when ordering online, via phone or the app.
A reminder email will be sent out.
Dr. Erica Renfree