Hello Rattler Nation!
We had another smooth week here at school. Our students are outstanding, and Open House was a huge success. We received much positive feedback, but there is still room for improvement.
Absences and Tardies:
Students are going to their classes on time. Please check the Parent Portal to ensure absences and tardies are not accumulated. Absences and tardies must be made up, or they affect citizenship grades (which impact Grade Averages), events like dances, etc. Your child will be disappointed if turned away from an event because they have these on their record.
Counseling had a booth and gave out the Grade Level Handouts below at Open House in the Counseling Section.
We also had a Title 1 Parent Meeting about our budget and how we spend it. You can view it HERE
Our first football games and other home games are in the athletics section below. Starting next week, all games will be in the Athletics Section. Please don't only attend football; we have other excellent sports.
Contact List for Staff:
Minimum Day:
Our next Minimum Day is August 29th, 2024. They are every Thursday and are on the calendar.
Social Media: FOLLOW US!

Cell Phone Policy:
CHHS has a cell phone policy identical to the SDUnified Policy. We know there has been a lot of conversation about this, and a message went out to families and staff. Please support us in following our policy, as so much of our time is spent dealing with issues around cell phones and inappropriate conversations/photos/bullying. Here is the letter and links:
Dear San Diego Unified Family,
Thank you for helping make the start of the 2024-25 school year a great success. From Universal Transitional Kindergarten through high school, we saw joyous reunions, students and staff in new leadership roles, and modern school facilities for learning and play.
Today, I am reaching out to address growing discussions about the negative social-emotional and physical effects of excessive social media and smartphone use among youth and teens, and in anticipation of new state guidance on this issue.
San Diego Unified’s cell phone policy prohibits personal cell phone use in class and during the school day, with some exceptions related to lessons and other circumstances that require adult supervision. High school students are permitted to use cellphones during their lunch period.
Please take this opportunity to talk to your children about social media and cellphone use, and review San Diego Unified’s cell phone policy, which is also included in the Facts for Parents handbook distributed to all families at the start of every school year.
When our students are at school, we want them to be focused on their studies and enrichment activities, engaged with their friends and educators, and above all, happy and healthy.
San Diego Unified is preparing to launch an initiative this school year to raise awareness about the risks associated with social media use among children and teens, under a resolution recently approved by the Board of Education. The district will issue regular notifications to students, families and educators, offering resources and information about responsible social media practices, strategies to help curb screen time, and research on the effects of social media use among children and teens.
We look forward to your continued partnership as we collaborate to meet the academic and social-emotional needs of our students.
In the spirit of Ubuntu, I am because we are.
Dr. Lamont A. Jackson
The before- and after-school program is BACK, and it's called IMIN! Have your students fill out the survey!
Want to offer something after school? We are expanding fast. Have your students fill out this form so we can offer it!
Want to Participate right now? Click here:
We had this program years ago, and it was the best in SDUnified. We got a grant for at least five more years. We know parents want safe places for students, and this is one of them! They offer a ton of things and are expanding daily.

The links on this JPEG are above.

Driver's Education Is one of them!

Are you interested in taking a FREE online driver's education course? If so, please submit this form:https://forms.gle/qhxtzKWbwnj7YBcn8
The Driver’s Education Training Online is for students who want to complete the classes to apply for a learner’s permit
- The training is self-paced
- Can be completed on a ChromeBook
- Upon completion, a certificate will be issued
The class will meet after school at 3:40 pm in Room 1001. Classes will start next week. Enrollment is first come, first served so if this 1st session reaches capacity you will have an opportunity to enroll in the next session in 4-6 weeks.
Calendar: SLOW WEEK

Thursday is a Half Day.
Want to help us keep CHHS a fantastic place to be? There are three ways for you AND your student! Nominations are being taken now.
1. Foundation: Parent Group focused on fundraising for our students! Even if you can't donate your time, you can donate by joining as a member. Click here: https://canyonhillsfoundation.org/
2. Class Boosters: Want to know everything in your child's graduating class? What are opportunities you don't want to miss out on? Sign up for your Class Booster at the bottom of the Blog, where it will always be accessible each week in that spot, but sign up now so you don't miss anything!

Athletic: ALL ATHLETIC INFORMATION--PLEASE GO TO https://chrattlers.com/.
Athletics is a very complex program—it's like running a separate school. While I can highlight a few things here, you must check that website daily and contact the proper coaches. This blog highlights sporting events with pictures and celebrations but doesn't get into the operations of athletics. Please bookmark that site so you have it. CHHS has one of the most extensive programs in the county and state. We post an athletic weekly every week right here, and it is ONLY for home games.

Our first football game is this tonight against Santana:

Here's the route, and when in doubt, follow the masses!

Counselors had Grade Level Handouts at Open House:
Freshman: HERE
Sophomores: HERE
Juniors: HERE
Seniors: HERE
