Hello Rattler Nation,
This week brought great joy as students are in full holiday swing. This blog will preview the next two weeks ending with Semester 1; however, a blog will come out next Friday previewing the last week before break AND the week of return. We have so many events coming up, and we would love for you to come and support us. Holidays are close, but the work is never done. Teachers and staff are looking at data and determining how to meet students' needs every Thursday, especially now that we have come to the end of Semester 1. The picture is below. Finally, congratulations to our marching band, which ended up being the highest-ranked 2A band in the county: see image above.

Want to tell us how to spend money????? Now is your chance to let us know before budget time:

Finals and Schedule: The finals are the week of Dec 16-20 on the W, TH, and F.
The schedule is :

Construction :

Here is ONE of our newly painted quads!

Principals Coffee:
We had a wonderful Prinicpal's Coffee this morning and talked about all the events leading up to the break and updates on other varying areas. If you missed the coffee, you can see the presentation here: COFFEE
Saturday School is Back: ONLY TWO MORE THIS SEMESTER
Dec. 7 Dec. 14 (last one of Semester 1) |
Students with absences and tardies must make them up in Saturday school. Failure to do that starts excluding them from things like Homecoming, Prom, Senior Activities, etc. FIRST SEMESTER ABSENCES AND TARDIES carry over to Semester 2, so they must be made up now. Teachers are lenient for late students due to construction; however, if your child is still delinquent, please discuss why everyone else can get there but your students still can't, even with all the grace given.
Saturday School Signups are here:
The holidays are upon us, and we have our Annual Giving Campaign: no amount is too small!

Calendar: Next TWO Weeks

Monday: Nothing
Tuesday: Governance Meeting after school
Wednesday: Foundation Meeting at 630 in the Media Center
Thursday: Minimum Day
Friday: Nothing
Monday: Winter Band Concert 7 pm
Tuesday: SSC in the AM
Wednesday: Winter Music Cluster Concert 1 FINALS 1 and 2: Dismissal at 1:45
Thursday: Winter Cluster Music Concert 2. FINALS 3 and 4: Dismissal at 1:45
Friday: Finals 5 and 6: Dismissal at 1:45

ASB: Last years LIPDUB Here: LIPDUB

Athletic: ALL ATHLETIC INFORMATION--PLEASE GO TO https://chrattlers.com/.
Athletics is a very complex program—it's like running a separate school. While I can highlight a few things here, you must check that website daily and contact the proper coaches. This blog highlights sporting events with pictures and celebrations but doesn't get into the operations of athletics. Please bookmark that site so you have it. CHHS has one of the most extensive programs in the county and state.

IMIN After School Program:
Want to Participate right now? Click here:
Driver's Education Is one of them!

Are you interested in taking a FREE online driver's education course? If so, please submit this form:https://forms.gle/qhxtzKWbwnj7YBcn8
Reaching capacity, you can enroll in the next session in 4-6 weeks.
