Hello Rattler Nation!
We have been working hard this week to prepare for the new school year. The campus has an amazing positive feel, and we look forward to welcoming you on Monday. The picture above is our Class of 2028! They had a fantastic time at Bridge, and meeting them was great.
Please ensure you read this blog every week to stay updated on all things on campus. Please also subscribe to it so it goes automatically to your email. It comes out on Friday or Saturday. Your child can also join online platforms to get student information. They are:
Instagram: @chhsrattlers
Tik Tok: Coming soon
Website Newsla is broadcasting the wrong schedules!
A website pulled data from SDUSD regarding schedules and posted them. What they drew was a back-end early draft. Students seemed to manage to find this site. The schedule more than likely is wrong.
First-Day Procedures: See below in the Blog:
Counselors have an electronic system for schedule changes and do not have students lining up. Students are to attend the schedule they have until we are ready to call them in. Schedule changes are not done in order of request but more of a need based on graduation requirements and gross errors like two English classes. We do not change schedules by want or teacher. We had an extensive process and many times to make changes. Every change affects at least ten other students' schedules and may make an entire schedule change for your child.
A QR code to make requests will be available on Day 1 of School.
CHHS Bell Schedule and Important Dates: We have added a STAFF Contact Sheet, including all staff who help run the office. Please print it out and put it on your fridge! It's beneficial and will prevent you from not knowing who to call or email.
First-Day Procedures: This signage will be all around campus.

Report to School
Go to the 1000 Building to get paper schedules and planners. The schedule may differ from what's on the computer. The 1000 Building is the big new one in front of the school. We will have staff all over directing students and welcoming them.
Directional Signs and staff all over campus help direct every passing period.

All students who want to see their counselor go to the Counseling webpage, click on their counselor and fill out the electronic form. This prevents students from missing class and allows them to come when called.
Letter from Counseling:
Welcome to the new school year! We are excited to support you in making this year a positive and successful experience. We aim to provide you with all the help you need to thrive academically and socially.
As we begin this journey together, we understand you may have questions. To assist you, we have created a form where you can select your questions, and we will do our best to address them as soon as possible. https://forms.gle/ykPvWk57kX8A2bR69
We look forward to working with all students and families this year!
Best regards, Canyon Hills Counseling Team

Monday: First Day of School!
Tuesday and Wednesday: Nothing
Thursday: Our first Minimum Day with dismissal at 2:25
Friday: Makeup Pictures and Principal's Coffee. Link on calendar
Attendance (You don't have to call. You can report online!): To report an absence, call our office OR click the attendance tab at the top of our website and report. The link is here as well:
Make-Up Picture Day and SENIOR PORTRAITS
Makeup (for student IDs and staff photographs) is on August 16th and September 19th. Photos will be taken in the alumni room all day.
Senior Portraits
SENIOR PORTRAITS SIGN UP HERE and must be done by October 31st: https://www.studio-94-photography.com/high-schools/canyon-hills-high-school/
Want to help us keep CHHS a fantastic place to be? There are FOUR ways for you AND your student!
1. Foundation: Parent Group focused on fundraising for our students! Even if you can't donate your time, you can donate by joining as a member. Click here: https://canyonhillsfoundation.org/
2. Class Boosters: Want to know everything in your child's graduating class? What are opportunities you don't want to miss out on? Sign up for your Class Booster at the bottom of the Blog, where it will always be accessible each week in that spot, but sign up now so you don't miss anything!
1. School Site Council (SSC): This group determines how money in Title 1 and LCFF are spent (money for things that support ALL students). In addition, they have other responsibilities as well. We need one parent and three students. If your child is an English Language Learner, we would LOVE you to join!) If you are on another committee, we politely ask that you allow others to participate. Click here to nominate! (self or others)
2. Governance: This group discusses and advises the Principal on instructional issues and policies on campus. We are looking for two students. CLICK HERE to nominate
Principal's Coffee: What is this? This is an hour and a half with my whole team, including me, where we talk monthly about CHHS. Then we stay and answer any questions, rumors, concerns, anxiety, or celebrations you have! We are here for you! Mark your calendars! This meeting is for currently attending students' parents only, please.
The link is on the school calendar, and we will see you then!

Parent Portal:
We are here to support you in this! It is essential to learn everything that is happening with your students. Attendance, tardies, schedules, etc., are in there. Our clerk is started July 29th, 2024. She will then be able to service you, and directions will also be posted in another blog. Her name is Mrs. Penamoya at rpenamoya@sandi.net.
Cell Phone Culture on Campus--We are committed to providing you with the best education possible we need your support!
To best serve your students and their education, the staff at CHHS has committed to no-cell phone use in class policy. This policy is in place so that students build each other up as a learning community and prevent issues that may arise from their use, such as airdropping pictures, bullying, taunting, and opting out of their learning.
Athletic: ALL ATHLETIC INFORMATION--PLEASE GO TO https://chrattlers.com/ All athletic packets can be uploaded and handed in this way. You do not need to come in and drop them off.
Athletics is a very complex program. It's like running a whole separate school. While I can highlight a few things here, you must check that website daily and contact the proper coaches. This blog highlights sporting events with pictures and celebrations but doesn't get into the operations of athletics. Please bookmark that site so you have it. CHHS has one of the largest programs in the county and state.
Need to contact your child's coach? Here is the link with their contact information:

We can't wait to see you!
Dr. Erica Renfree