Hello Rattler Nation!
We hope you had a restful vacation and also a wonderful new year. Did you know that CHHS has a sizeable hidden garden? It is above, and we have students who are highly interested in it and have started improving it. It is coming along great. If your student is interested in joining the club, email Annalese Turner at aturner@sandi.net. The more the merrier!
Winter Sports are now in full swing, and we had a great Principals Coffee this morning. The presentation can be found here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1vr_g8gRmsNTK4fbP_Fsm00BoKIN3ZOspniwfwWEKdm0/edit?usp=sharing
Last night, we hosted our Incoming 9th grade Parent Night, and it was packed as parents learned all about graduation requirements and the incredible things we have to offer here at CHHS.
Saturday School is CANCELLED this week because we are undergoing a campus-wide shutdown on power for construction. We will add a date to make up for it in the future. Many students are already running out of opportunities to make up absences. This will affect prom, graduation, dances, and other events on campus. The dates for Saturday School are below.
Parent Portal: Please check:
Parents, you have a portal and should check it, especially now because finals are coming up, and you should see your student's grades. If grades are not updated, PLEASE email the teacher and cc the Vice principal of your student for follow-up.
Important Information - Construction:

Calendar: Mark your calendars: January 15th is NO SCHOOL for MLK Day;

Finals!!!!! Mark Your Calendars:
January 17-19th, 2024 are finals. The schedule is below. Please note that it is early dismissal and the time.

Saturday School is how you make up work and clear those tardies!
Here is the signup information:
Athletics: ALL ATHLETIC INFORMATION--PLEASE GO TO https://chrattlers.com/.
We are now doing an Athletic Weekly; this is created with the most accurate data we have at the time, and we understand things change at the last minute, so always check MaxPreps as well.
Athletic Weekly:

Counselors are here to help you! Your students ask to see their counselor by going to the CHHS website and clicking on the "Counseling Tab"-then, they click on their counselor to fill out the form. Counselors will then call them to the office.

Booster Clubs are created by each "Class Of" to raise funds to create unforgettable experiences for your students. Items include caps for graduation, prom ticket prices, organizing Grad Night, and having fundraisers to pull this off. They work very hard and need your support. Please go to your student's "Class Of" website and join the registry to stay up to date on all things going on with your student's graduating class.

Main Parent Booster Website