Rattler Nation!
This week, we have been in classrooms, watched lessons, sat in and watched ASB. ASB is very busy this year with amazing ideas. The show-stopper of the week, though was last night when our Flag Football Team played Henry High School! These young ladies' progress this season is unparalleled, and I was there to watch them dominate and win! Senior Nights are coming up for Fall Sports, and we play Hoover tonight at Hoover. We had a great Principal's Coffee; remember, it is a presentation we are attaching here, but we also take any questions! Click here for the presentations: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1RbtTQ6czmpPxG4ZnUeblEaeGqxje69yHjFPBDfw-us8/edit?usp=sharing
Halloween Guidelines: We hold very strict guidelines for costumes. There are varying reasons for this, and they are outside of the dress code due to varying reasons. Please review with your student to avoid us having to address them. We want them to have fun without us being the costume police. Here are the guidelines:

We also went to check out UC High PepRally and participated in it!!!! It was so much fun. Here is the video:
College Night for the Class of 2024 is this week; see the calendar below for that information.
THE ERA OF TRANSITION - CLASS OF 2024 ANNOUNCEMENT (COLLEGE ADMISSION OPPORTUNITY) As we dive into the world of excitement and adventure, the Counseling Office is thrilled to announce two essential events for the Class of 2024 to have them become more prepared for the admission process. On Wednesday, October 18th, at 6 p.m. in the Media Center, we will host College Night. This includes the distribution of official transcripts and tentative class rankings and penetration from UC, CSU, and Community College admission officers! Secondly, on Thursday, October 19th, from 6 to 9 p.m. Scripps Ranch High School will be hosting a college showcase with over 75 colleges and universities scheduled to make attendance. The college showcase is open to all SDUSD students in grades 10-12. SENIORS, if you are interested in hearing more from UCLA or UC San Diego Admission officers, fill out the google form below to attend the college admission presentation! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1cFjPLwIBQrnt_J3odnvdnDLyx5Sx8PNIXPKR
Lastly, I will be at Band Comps all day tomorrow to cheer on our VAPA program and look forward to taking many pictures.
PSAT Information for Parents here:

Play Rehearsals are everyday!
Tuesday: SSC 7:45 am in the Principals office or on Zoom
Wednesday: College Night in Media Center at 6 pm for Class of 2024
Parent Event:
I hope you are doing great! Passing along a free conference for parents and educators to attend. Feel free to place it in the blog if you think it’s appropriate. Here is the direct registration link: Conference — Parents Against Vaping E-cigarettes

Athletic: ALL ATHLETIC INFORMATION--PLEASE GO TO https://chrattlers.com/. All athletic packets can be uploaded and handed in this way. You do not need to come in and drop them off. The game this upcoming Friday is against Hoover High at Hoover, and all our games are listed in the Athletic Weekly below.

Athletics is a very complex program. It's like running a whole separate school. While I can highlight a few things here, you must check that website daily and contact the proper coaches. This blog highlights sporting events with pictures and celebrations but doesn't get into the operations of athletics. Please bookmark that site, so you have it. CHHS has one of the most extensive programs in the county and state.
Saturday School: Saturday School
Click here: tinyurl.com/chhscoreacademy
Saturday School is how your student clears absences and tardies. Should they accumulate them, this is the only way to remove them and impact differing sporting events and school events. If your students want to be able to participate and they have absences and tardies, they need to attend. The form opens up and closes at noon on Friday before Saturday School. We "close" them so we can staff them accordingly. You can see the form and sign up here:

Snack Bar Sign-Ups! If you want to help CHHS, this is a fantastic way to get involved and catch a free game

Snack Bar for Football Sign up: https://canyonhillsfoundation.org/snack-bar-sign-up
Saturday, 10/21 JV game HOME side snack bar https://forms.gle/46eGedbmpnb5syNo7 Saturday, 10/21 JV game AWAY side snack bar https://forms.gle/PLRWeWVNxpJWE4FB8 Saturday, 10/21 VARSITY game AWAY side snack bar https://forms.gle/BSY3p8WcxAkAEXEH6
Social Media: FOLLOW US!
Instagram: @chhsrattlers
TikTok: Coming soon

Class of 2023!
This is an exciting time of your senior year, COLLEGE APPLICATIONS! We are kicking off the month of October with college admission presentations from SDSU, USC, and UCLA in November. These presentations will be hosted by the Admission Representatives from each site, so you will have the opportunity to learn about their schools' application process, important dates, and additional information. You will also have the chance to have your questions answered.
To attend these presentations, you MUST register on the following Google form: CLICK HERE
**Additional college visits will be added as scheduled, so continue to check your email and this sign-up form periodically.
CHHS Class of 2024 College Night
Seniors and parents are invited to attend our annual CHHS College Night on October 18 at 6:00 pm in the Media Center. We will have college representatives present college admission requirements, deadlines, and fees; after all college presentations, students and parents can meet with admission representatives and pick up their transcript with their class ranking.
CalSoap College Fair
Time & Location
Oct 25, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
San Diego, Mesa College, 7250 Mesa College Dr, San Diego, CA 92111, USA
About the Event
Want to see what colleges are attending? Check our list here. It's being updated weekly as more colleges RSVP.
AP Test Purchasing:
Attention Class of 2025,
On Tuesday, October 17th, you can take the PSAT/NMSQT® (Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test), an essential step along your path to college.
If you’re an 11th-grade student in the Class of 2025, the PSAT/NMSQT allows you to qualify for scholarships to help pay for college. Also, no matter your grade, the PSAT/NMSQT provides great practice for the SAT®. You’ll also get personalized feedback on your skills to help you improve them before taking the SAT.
To register to take the PSAT/NMSQT on October 17th, please register here by September 29th:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSclwvdw3lf2FPmxXCNxLxyWkwIPScSkHeNoaOduJQqpUnaaWA/viewform

Booster Clubs are created by each "Class Of" to raise funds to create unforgettable experiences for your students. Items include caps for graduation, prom ticket prices lowered, organizing Grad Night, and having fundraisers to pull this off. They work very hard and need your support. Please go to your student's "Class Of" website and join the registry to stay up to date on all things going on with your student's graduating class.
Main Parent Booster Website