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Facilities, Gentle Reminders, Sports. Let's Go, September!

Writer: Dr. RenfreeDr. Renfree

Hello Rattler Nation!

  Rattler Nation is alive, and there are so many things going on. The campus culture feels excellent. Students are happy and inclusive and getting their sports, clubs, and groups started for a great year. If your student is not involved in something, please have them contact us so we can help them connect. We have a Senior College and Career Night, and the flyer is under counseling. Juniors, you can select to take an SAT practice exam, and that is also under the Counseling section.


Wednesday Night Foundation

Thursday is Early out

Sports can be checked out on our website, or all home games are listed below in the athletics weekly.

Principal's Coffee: We had Principal's Coffee this morning, and if you missed it, you can check it out on the slide deck below. Also, the dates are on the CHHS website, and we would love for you to join us, as it's virtual. I heard feedback that a call should go out the night before to remind everyone. I will start doing that!


Gentle reminder: the same rules applied throughout grade school still apply here. Your child has to go through the health office to leave. Them texting you and you coming does not get you the excuse you need for PowerSchool. You have to call your child in sick or use the link on our website, or if they text you, please tell them to go to the health office to be seen. We have to ensure we follow protocol but also not have a stranger try to come and pick them up because your child texts them and not you (happens more than you think). We also will only release to a parent in the computer.


Gentle reminder: The front of the school is not parking. None of it is. Our cars are parked on the island in the middle of the driveway because community members, etc, are in our spots. We need our designated spots, and we fill all of them with our front office staff. Please don't park there. In addition, parking right in front of the school to wait for your child blocks any other car from exiting the school. Parents are becoming more frustrated with other parents parking in the middle of the road. Please park and wait for your children in front of the 1000 building to avoid a confrontation. Thank you!

SDPD and School Police: MONDAY MEETING

There are many times throughout the year when Police meet for varying reasons. It can happen and has happened on our campus. It's usually to do training. When this occurs, police do not park in the front so as not to alert the community that something is happening here that is not good. They almost always park out of sight. However, your child may come home and say they saw police or a parent or community member might say they saw police. Rarely, they are here for something terrible. If I thought the community needed to know something, I would put it out immediately. They are having a meeting here on Monday.

Foundation: The Foundation meets monthly, which is a great way to get involved with the school. We could not do it without our amazing parents. They meet monthly on Wednesday at 6:30 in the Media Center.

Contact List for Staff:

Social Media: FOLLOW US!

Facilities: A lot is happening outside, but the inside is just the same!

We are having upgrades to our school and appreciate everyone's flexibility. This community of families and students has been excellent at adapting to the constant changes. It will be worth it!

New Art Program and Mural: We have added a brand new art teacher to our VAPA Pathway so students interested in the arts can express themselves in varying ways. Below is a mural done by two well-known artists to start making the amazing space the students have for class look great. The students saw it and were so excited they started taking pictures of it!

Woodshop: Recently, we took a survey of students in which we asked them if there was a class they were interested in or another pathway, and overwhelmingly, it was woodshop. This class seemed to have disappeared from public schools, and no one had removed the equipment from the room. I was the only one using it for years! We thank the SD County Office of Ed and district leadership for working with me to make it happen. The shop has new machines, tables, and a new classroom, and next year, they will build a tiny home! Check out the facility:


We are currently showing that we did not get an LCFF form submission from you for this school year. Please remember that our school needs funding, and this form goes a long way in helping ensure that we have the essentials our students need. We humbly request that you complete the form using the parent portal. If you need assistance with the parent portal or have questions about the form, please email Ms. Rosa at

Later today, the first emails will be sent via SurveyMonkey to families from whom we need LCFF information. The subject line will be “A Friendly Reminder to Complete Your Family’s LCFF Survey,” and the sender will be “ via” Please know that this email is legitimate.



Athletics is a very complex programit's like running a separate school. While I can highlight a few things here, you must check that website daily and contact the proper coaches. This blog highlights sporting events with pictures and celebrations but doesn't get into the operations of athletics. Please bookmark that site so you have it. CHHS has one of the most extensive programs in the county and state. We post an athletic weekly every week right here, and it is ONLY for home games.

Tennis gets new uniforms!

We want to thank More Win for Under Armor skirts, shorts, tanks, warm-ups, etc. They look awesome.


Juniors @ Canyon Hills High = FREE practice SAT exam @ CHHS @ Tuesday, October 8, 2024!

This exam is NOT required but many scholars will choose to take it to get practice for the real SAT and get access to scholarships.  More details are here -



Students who confirm will be emailed with more details about exam day.


IMIN After School Program:

The before- and after-school program is BACK, and it's called IMIN! Have your students fill out the survey!

Want to offer something after school? We are expanding fast. Have your students fill out this form so we can offer it!

Want to Participate right now? Click here:

We had this program years ago, and it was the best in SDUnified. We got a grant for at least five more years. We know parents want safe places for students, and this is one of them! They offer a ton of things and are expanding daily.

The links on this JPEG are above.

Driver's Education Is one of them!

Are you interested in taking a FREE online driver's education course? If so, please submit this form:


 The Driver’s Education Training Online is for students who want to complete the classes to apply for a learner’s permit 

- The training is self-paced 

- Can be completed on a ChromeBook

- Upon completion, a certificate will be issued


The class will meet after school at 3:40 pm in Room 1001. Classes will start next week. Enrollment is first come, first served so if this 1st session reaches capacity you will have an opportunity to enroll in the next session in 4-6 weeks.  



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