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Congratulations are in order and Spirit is in the Air!

Writer's picture: Dr. RenfreeDr. Renfree

Hello Rattler Community,

WOW, what a fantastic week for great news! CHHS has a lot to be thankful for because our students are so amazing. We have several National Merit Scholarship finalists, and CHHS Choir members were selected for the district Choir performance. We are also proud to celebrate our students who made Honor Roll; we will be having a ceremony in the coming weeks, and we hope to Livestream it to parents. Finally, ASB is starting to plan several fun events for students including a SPIRIT week next week!

Honor Roll Ceremony (to be held on campus):

  • 9th grade at 10AM

  • 10th-12th is at 11AM

Students will be invited to attend!

National Merit Scholarship Finalists:

  • Anne Do

  • Maya Ruhe

  • Tyler J. Bodenhamer


  • We have a Dance on March 5th from 7-10 pm at the Beach House in Belmont Park.

  • Pep Rally--March 25--Friday before Spring Break.

  • Powderpuff is going to be at the end of May or the beginning of June.

  • Senior Picture is within the next month.

  • Talent Show in April.

  • 8th-grade tours in April.

Ukraine and World Events:

We have heard many students on campus talking about what is going on in Ukraine. It is not surprising considering what is happening and the community we live in. We want to let your know that we recognize this and significantly recognize the impact it has on our military families. Please reach out to our MFLAC--Military Family Life Counselor: Audrey Teshima, at this website:

Also, we have a ton of other supports on this webpage:

EBT Cards: Groceries $$$$$$

Here is a link to the P-EBT website FAQs:

Regarding school-aged children, this is what it says:

School-age children are eligible for P-EBT 2.0 if they were: • Enrolled at a school for the school year 2020–21 that participated in the federal School Breakfast Program or National School Lunch Program; and • Eligible to get free or reduced-price meals for the school year 2020–21; and • Assumed to have attended school via all distance learning or a hybrid learning at least some days of the week during the school year 2020–21.

Saturday School: Class of 2022 SENIORS, please pay attention!!! You have to clear your absences to graduate!

Saturday School:

Please sign your child up or have them do it themselves.

The following link is on the CHHS webpage as well under STUDENTS:

California Healthy Kids Survey for Parents!--PLEASE fill this out!

Parents and Guardians of the Class of 2023 (11th) and 2025 (9th):

Every year, we ask our 9th and 11th graders students to complete the parent survey for the California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS). Your feedback will provide us with valuable information about how we are serving your student in several areas: social/emotional, academic, safety, community and culture, among a few others. We utilize your feedback when we plan for each school year and consider your parent voice very important. Will you please take a few minutes to fill this out for us? We appreciate your time and input so that we can make CHHS the best it can be! Our 9th and 11th grade students will also be taking the survey in their Science classes next month.

Looking to donate in 2022? The Serra Foundation is always looking for donations to benefit the academic and athletic programs.

All tax-deductible donations can be made at:

Thank you!


Monday: Nothing

Tuesday: Governance Meeting

Wednesday: Foundation Meeting: All are welcome 6 pm

Thursday: Nothing

Friday: Principals Coffee--link on the calendar 9 AM

Graduation: Finally, we have details. Here are some of them:

Graduation is June 11th at 5 pm. More details will be coming, but here's what we do know:

  1. It will be here at the school--Canyon Hills.

  2. It will start at 5 PM, but students will need to be there sooner. We want to attempt to have it in cool weather but also allow families to take pictures and go to dinner afterwards to celebrate!

  3. It should be over around 7 PM.

  4. There will be a ticket limit, and it will be as generous as we can with capacity within fire code.


  1. Why is it at school and not at USD? It was at school for 30 years and then moved to USD or other venues based on finances at the time and other factors. Venues are not contracting for large groups USD and others--PetCo won't do it either. We tried to get one and were not able to, so did the district. Venues are only doing "their" events.

  2. What is the ticket limit? Each student will receive 10 tickets. If you do not need 10 then swap or give to other families. We will be giving 10 tickets equally to each student for their families.

  3. Is there a charge for tickets? No. Other schools are charging...we will not.

  4. Can I buy more tickets? No. 10 tickets per student are max for stadium capacity.

  5. Will they get their diplomas on that day? No. We never give diplomas on the day of graduation. They get them the next school day--so this would be Monday.

  6. Is there wheelchair access? Yes, there is.

  7. When will we hear if our child is eligible to graduate? Grades are due June 9th. Parents will be notified if they are NOT eligible June 10-11.

  8. What if it rains? It's rain or shine.

More questions and answers may come along with more information as we get closer.

Summer School:

CHHS understands that the last few years have been hard. We also understand that your child may not have done as well as they should have, and we understand that. CHHS asked the Board to consider adding CHHS to the summer school list, and they agreed. Usually, we switch off years with Henry High. We will be having summer school and the time to register is now.

Here is the information:

Here are the forms:

Google Form to sign up for summer school:

Congratulations to the following students who will represent CHHS in the Choral Concert for the district: We are proud of you!

Chaneol Choi

Forrest Cobb

Athletics: Please check

Spring Sports are coming and will be posted at the link above when details are available.



Need Tutoring from a TEACHER? Here is the schedule: School-wide Tutoring Schedule!

SWAG Store


  • For all things, Class of 2025, click here to read our Newsletter, updated every FRIDAY!

  • Did you know the 9th grade Academy has a student handbook? Click here.

PEER TUTORING for the Class of 2025--but everyone is welcome!

This program is on hold as we are having difficulties getting students to sign up to come to tutoring, and we haven't had any drop-ins. We have willing tutors, but students are not taking advantage of this opportunity.


Do you have a Senior? Well, CHHS has a Booster Club so you can stay up to date on things and events about them:

The Canyon Hills/Serra Parent Class Boosters is a parent organization that supports your student's graduating class with activities and events not typically sponsored by the school. As your student approaches senior year, through fundraising and donations, this group helps offset the cost and implement activities like grad-night, prom, senior luncheon, graduation venue, powder-puff, and more.

The Canyon Hills/Serra Parent Class Boosters is a parent organization that supports your student's graduating class with activities and events not typically sponsored by the school.



  • Graduation is Saturday, June 11th, 5-7 pm at CHHS

    • There will be a ticket limit

  • Grad Nite Friday, June 3-4 th

  • All of the 150 tickets have been sold

  • The waitlist is open on the booster website!

  • website:

  • Follow us on Instagram: @CHHS2022PBC

  • Follow us on Facebook: CHHS C/O 2022 PARENT

  • Follow Senior class on Instagram: @chhsco22

  • Caps and Gowns on sale now:

  • We have raised $7,200 of our $10,000 goal

  • Meeting: Monday, March 14, 2022 at 7:00 pm, Zoom link: Click here

Password: Escondido Meeting ID: 693 398 4637

  • Bingo!!!! Coming soon in April 2022

Upcoming Fundraisers to support Senior Class 2022 Prom:

  • See’s Candy starting February 21, 2022!



  • Dozen Krispy Kreme Donuts for only a $10 donation!

Go here to get your dozen donuts!:

  • Dream Dinners fundraiser SPECIAL for March $50 for 3 meals! No monthly obligation ever! Share with your friends and family.

Spend less time, shopping, lugging bags,chopping and prepping! All meals come bagged and ready to cook. You can freeze pre-prepared meals too!

  • Order by: Sunday March 6, 2022

  • Piu Date: Tuesday March 8, 2022 @ 5pm

  • Local Pick up at Canyon Hills High School - Student Parking Lot


Next Meeting: APRIL 14 7:00 pm NEW Date




Dr. Erica Renfree

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