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College, Progress Reports, ROTC, and Ninth-Grade Seminar

Writer: Dr. RenfreeDr. Renfree

Hello Rattler Nation,

Last week brought many amazing experiences to support students academically and socially while having fun. Above is our Band and colorguard as they presented the halftime show at the football game. It always amazes me to see how students move with instruments or flags and batons. They are such an integral part of the school's culture and climate.

The Progress Report grading period ends this Friday; more information about that is below. Seniors started taking seminars on the college application process while getting help filling them out, and ninth graders went to a workshop on how to calculate GPA, access the Wellness Center, and get more involved in the school.

All that and more is below!


Monday is Senior College Night and the details are below under the Counseling Section.

Thursday is Make-up Picture Day

Friday is Progress Report Day.

Progress Reports:

***Parents, please check your Parent Portal for grades. Teachers at CHHS are required to keep their grades up to date. If you see your child's teacher has not, please email them and CC me on it**** This usually means within a week, but before the grading period ends, all grades should be in the Wednesday before. This Wednesday, if grades are not up to date, start emailing.

Saturday School is Back: Homecoming is at stake.

Students with absences and tardies must make them up in Saturday school. Failure to do that starts excluding them from things like Homecoming, Prom, Senior Activities, etc. FIRST SEMESTER ABSENCES AND TARDIES carry over to Semester 2 so they need to get made up now. Teachers are giving a huge amount of leniency for late students due to construction; however, if your child still has a tardy, I would start to discuss with them why everyone else can get there, but your students still can't even with all the grace given.

Saturday School Signups are here:

The form opens on Wednesdays and closes on Fridays so we can staff it appropriately. It also does not happen every Saturday, but when it does, I'll put the link in here. Please remind your child that if it's a Wednesday, they should check to see if there is Saturday school and sign up.

Contact List for Staff:

Ninth Grade Seminar:

All Ninth Graders attended a Seminar on what they need to know with their Associate Principal, Mr. Willis, and Counselor, Susan Skinner. They participated in calculating their GPA, why that is important, how to seek resources to join groups on campus and get support for their social-emotional needs, and much more. Check out the presentation here:

Generation Scholars give back to CHHS:

FGS are students who are the first in their families to go to college. They decided one way to give back is to hold seminars on the college application process, how to fill out applications, scholarships, and essay prompts, and how to attack them to make them stand out. These seminars are held every Friday, and they are gaining a lot of traction. They will run every Friday through the end of November.

The ROTC Commanding Officer welcomes back our ROTC students:

CO Vance Cruz welcomed back the ROTC students with a message and expressed his gratitude for his leadership position. ROTC also sends out a newsletter that keeps everyone up to date on all the great work they are doing in the community.

Are your students interested in ROTC? They can reach out to anyone they know who is in it. You can also follow them on social media to see the types of events they hold, like the one below.

Social Media:

CHHS NJROTC Instagram-- @chhsnjrotc

CHHS NJROTC YouTube-- @CanyonHillsNJROTC

Woodshop in Action:

After a rigourous month of tests and understanding how important it is to stay safe our students were ready to start practicing in the new facility.


Athletics is a very complex programit's like running a separate school. While I can highlight a few things here, you must check that website daily and contact the proper coaches. This blog highlights sporting events with pictures and celebrations but doesn't get into the operations of athletics. Please bookmark that site so you have it. CHHS has one of the most extensive programs in the county and state. We post an athletic weekly every week right here, and it is ONLY for home games.

Girls Volleyball:

Show up and Show out, Canyon Hills Varsity Volleyball Comeback story. 

Canyon Hills Girls Varsity Volleyball Team competed in the Del Lago Tournament Friday and Saturday, September 6th & 7th. They left Escondido 2-1 on Friday after a huge comeback against Horizon winning in the third set. The last game on Friday lasted all the way until 11 PM as they fought their hardest to pull off the second win of the night! 

Saturday, the Rattlers arrived at the Missions Hills gym in the early morning, ready for some competition in the Silver bracket. Playing back-to-back games until 11am, sadly, the girls lost and were 0-2. However, as the girls were getting ready to leave, thinking their playtime was over, they were told they had another shot at staying alive in the tournament. Once hearing this news, the players eagerly put their shoes back on and knee pads back up. The Rattler players faced El Camino in a single-set game to continue on. Canyon Hills came out victorious winning the set only 25-21. Next, the team had to face Southwest in one last set game to battle for a spot in the finale. With the game being close with back-to-back scoring, the girls were able to pull off the win they needed. The players were exhausted after playing 8 hours and 7 volleyball sets in 100 degree weather. Despite these tough challenges, the team was itching to make it worth it and win it all. 

At 4pm, Escondido and Canyon Hills High School lined up on either side of the net, waiting for the start of the match. Once the ref’s whistle blew, the battle began. Unable to get over their exhaustion, the team lost the first set badly. At the start of the second set the team huddled up to gather all the energy and motivation they could get. The six girls walked out onto the court with only one thing on their minds: winning. And that is what they did. After being down 10 points for most of the second set, the team could muster all their energy to push ahead and get hold of the second set. The score was now 1-1, and a third set was to play to determine the Silver Bracket winner. With only 15 points to play, the Rattlers played fiercely and smartly. The set was buzzing with energy and excitement. Although Escondido put up a good fight, the Canyon Hills girls were able to come together and win the final set. Once the final ball dropped on the other side, the Canyon Hills team and their supporters cheered. The team gathered for one last huddle to congratulate every player and took a final picture with the First Place in Silver Bracket Plaque that symbolized their hard work and determination.


Juniors @ Canyon Hills High = FREE practice SAT exam @ CHHS @ Tuesday, October 8, 2024!

This exam is NOT required but many scholars will choose to take it to get practice for the real SAT and get access to scholarships.  More details are here -



Students who confirm will be emailed with more details about exam day.


IMIN After School Program:

The before- and after-school program is BACK, and it's called IMIN! Have your students fill out the survey!

Want to offer something after school? We are expanding fast. Have your students fill out this form so we can offer it!

Want to Participate right now? Click here:

We had this program years ago, and it was the best in SDUnified. We got a grant for at least five more years. We know parents want safe places for students, and this is one of them! They offer a ton of things and are expanding daily.

The links on this JPEG are above.

Driver's Education Is one of them!

Are you interested in taking a FREE online driver's education course? If so, please submit this form:


 The Driver’s Education Training Online is for students who want to complete the classes to apply for a learner’s permit 

- The training is self-paced 

- Can be completed on a ChromeBook

- Upon completion, a certificate will be issued


The class will meet after school at 3:40 pm in Room 1001. Classes will start next week. Enrollment is first come, first served so if this 1st session reaches capacity you will have an opportunity to enroll in the next session in 4-6 weeks.  



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