Hello Rattlers!
This was one busy yet fun week! On Wednesday, the CHHS Admin went in and introduced ourselves to the underclassmen ASB who make up the FAB (Freshman Advisory Board). Throughout the year Admin meets with various class groups monthly to answer questions--anonymously--and get students the answers to the things they are wondering about our school. Yearbook, Journalism, ASB, and really any class can request this as well. It helps the students get to know us but also elevates if there are any questions, comments, concerns, or anxieties students are having. We had a great time in ASB this week and look forward to the amazing work they are doing.
This isn't the best news but D and F letters are going out today and are a requirement. What are they? If your student earned a D or an F for the P1 grading period, you will receive a letter. Please make sure you check PowerSchool so you are not surprised when one arrives at your house.
In addition, yesterday all schools in the State of CA had an Earthquake Drill. Our students did amazing and the drill went smoothly.
Senior Portraits need to be taken and please make sure you do this. Here is a message from our photographer:
All students that wish to have their headshots taken for the yearbook should schedule online. This can be done by going to our website at
www.studio-94-photography.com. There is a gray area at the top of the home page that says "High School". Hover the cursor over that tab and a grid with different high schools will come up. On the far left you will see a box that says "Canyon Hills High School", and in that box there is a link that says, "CHHS Class of 2022". Click on the link that says " CHHS Class of 2022". That will take you to the specific page for CHHS. Once you are on that page, there is a link in red that you click on to view the calendar and schedule a session. Once a date and time is selected, it will ask you to log into an existing account. Here is the information you will need to log in:
Username: Student ID number of the student you are scheduling for. DO NOT USE ANYONE ELSE'S ID NUMBER!
Password: Student's last name, with first letter capitalized.
Once a session is scheduled, PLEASE do not schedule another one. If you need to reschedule your session, please call our office at 951-696-2002 and we will be happy to move the appointment for you.
The school is asking students to wear black for the pictures. These are headshots only, so only the hair, face and shirt will show. Students can come in wearing shorts if they want to, because they will not show.
We will be at the school again on November 17th, 18th and 19th (Wed-Fri).
Within a week of the photos being taken, an email will be sent to the email address on file with the school. The email will contain a link to view and order the photos.
All seniors being photographed for the yearbook are eligible for the discount of 20% on their picture order. They can receive this discount by entering code CHHDISC at checkout online, or by calling our office to place the order. There is no deadline to order the pictures, but we do advise ordering by April if they plan to use the pictures for graduation.
We can be reached by phone at 951-696-2002 from 10:00am-4:30pm Monday through Friday. Please don't hesitate to call us, or email me directly if you have questions that I can answer for you.
Here is a direct link to the CHHS information and scheduling page through our website:
Federal Survey Cards were sent home this past week and are pivotal to the monies this school specifically gets. It's very important we get these collected. Four years ago we had a low turn back and we lost our entire after school program. Please make sure you return them.
Halloween: We have a Costume Contest, a Spirit Week, and a Halloween Dance
The dance is next Saturday right here at CHHS. Tickets are on sale right now! Students can grab a dance agreement at the finance office. Once they have that filled out, they can bring it back to the finance office and purchase their ticket. Last day to buy a dance ticket is next Friday. For more information about the dance and ticket prices, please see the attached dance agreement. Also, my ASBers have teamed up with Mr. Blokker’s kids, and there will be a haunted house!
Wanna help out at the dance?
We could absolutely use your help. If you would like to volunteer for Canyon Hills’ first homecoming dance CLICK HERE.
Next Friday, ASB will be hosting a Halloween Costume contest! Please review the attached Halloween Costume Guidelines with your students. The costume contest will be held at lunch in front of the 1000 building. Winners can get candy or a free dance ticket.
Clubs have also been invited to set up tables in front of the 1000 building. The club with the most creative halloween spirit will win $100 for their club.
School-wide Tutoring Schedule! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1425zttn_c4wJVceahL_e5snF7iFbY_Zg/view
GREAT NEWS, Class of 2025:
We are going to have PEER TUTORING VERY SOON! Current Junior and Senior CHHS students have volunteered their time to tutor! We are making a schedule--it will be sent to you soon--that will have opportunities for drop-in or appointment-based tutoring before school, lunch, and after school! Thank you to the students form the Class of 2022 and 2023 for volunteering to help your fellow Rattlers!
In addition if you are in Ninth Grade, CLASS OF 2025:
PARENT Survey created by the FAB (Freshman Advisory Board) for the CLASS OF 2025 to provide feedback about your student's experience in the first 6 weeks at CHHS: https://tinyurl.com/ua24u3xt. The feedback is so helpful; thanks to those of you who have completed this!
If your student has received their Covid-19 vaccine on a military instillation please ensure you submit the record to the health office.
· The Ed Center is now offering Covid-19 testing seven days a week- no charge and no appointment needed. Please click on the link to view the flyer, times, and location.https://docs.google.com/document/d/16sFPC_IrUIOVh9vgp0BFDmNxpDvileAUUGYQOcnewxE/edit
· The health office is seeing a vast increase in students coming to school ill. Please continue to screen your student and keep them home if they are ill.
CHHS SWAG STORE IS OPEN: Design your own Swag!!!! This will be open all year!
Sign the No Place For Hate Pledge to make Canyon Hills a safe & inclusive place for all!
Many students are out on quarantine right now as in the last week we have had several positive cases. Many of you have asked if the teachers can record themselves teaching or do hybrid.
I wish I had a better answer but at this time, it is no. The teacher's union negotiated that that is not to happen so teachers across the district are only doing live in-person teaching. I do believe they are in discussion to change this agreement but not sure when or if it will. I apologize but it's out of Principals' hands.
Staff Meetings for Staff is all there is!
ASB: Student Body
The workshops will be offered in the a.m. this Thursday, Oct. 21 from 10:00-11 a.m.
and on Monday, Oct. 25 in the evening from 5:30-6:30 p.m.
(students may attend this meeting)
Please also encourage your families to visit us on our website at https://sdusdfamilies.org
Our calendar events for 2021-2022 can be found at https://sdusdfamilies.org/events-2/
They may also Follow/Like us on Facebook @sdusdfamilies
CSF: The advisor is teacher John Snedden. jsnedden@sandi.net
If you are an Athlete you must test weekly for COVID. If you are vaccinated you don't have to as it's voluntary. Please follow the instructions to sign up on chrattlers.com.
Student-Athletes are students first and are participating in Education-Based Athletics. There are many advantages of working hard in the classroom and participating in athletics. In order to be eligible to participate in athletics, there are specific policies that must be followed.
Progress Report (P1) has now been recorded by teachers.
P2 Grading Period ends on November 19, 2021 and will take effect for eligibility of student-athletes on December 6, 2021.
Do you have a Senior? Well CHHS has a Booster Club so you can stay up to date on things and events pertaining to them:
The Canyon Hills/Serra Parent Class Boosters is a parent organization that supports your student's graduating class with activities and events not typically sponsored by the school. As your student approaches senior year, through fundraising and donations, this group helps offset the cost and implement activities like grad-night, prom, senior luncheon, graduation venue, powder-puff, and more.
Let's get together so your student can have a great senior year!!
Join the registry: click here to receive info
Follow us on Instagram : @CHHS2022PBC
Follow us on Facebook : CHHS C/O 2022 PARENT
Follow senior class on Instagram : @chhsco22
We have raised $3100 of our $10,000 goal
Meeting: Tuesday, November 9, 2021 at 7:00 pm, Zoom link: Click here
Password: Escondido. Meeting ID: 693 398 4637
October 2021:
New email:canyonhills2023boosters@gmail.com.
We meet every 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:30pm via Zoom. Our first meeting is THIS THURSDAY 10/21 @ 6:30pm - 7:15.
https://us05web.zoom.us/j/81328764788?pwd=eEZWS1V4MzVFYklVcDR2dkxlQU1HUT09 Meeting ID: 813 2876 4788 Passcode: 7kKnw4
Dine-Outs and other fundraisers: See website.
October 2021:
Join the registry: click here to receive info
Meeting: Topic: Class of 2024 Parent Booster Meeting Time: Oct 19, 2021 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86216212254?pwd=QXRPZm1BdEllNWJ4R2VMcjNzTVVTQT09 Meeting ID: 862 1621 2254 Passcode: 317369
Dine-Outs and other fundraisers: see website.
October 2021:
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/serraclassboosters/class-2025
Join the registry: click here to receive info
Meeting: TBD
Dine-Outs and other fundraisers: see website
Have a great week, Rattlers!
Dr. Erica Renfree