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  • Writer's pictureDr. Renfree

We work for the Entire Community!

Parents of Conquistadors,

At Serra High School, students come first. Always. Their voices, are of the utmost importance to us. However, SHS also serves you parents and our community. Whether it is through community service projects, students giving up time to help others, or parents coming to my Principal's Coffee to dialogue, or through all of you sending me an email, you are valued. If I can help, I will! I even get calls from the community when they feel some of our students may be not representing SHS in a way they should. We have patrolled in golf carts through Town Square and in the immediate neighborhood, and have sent our officer to any school in the community that calls. This week we had some great things go on at Serra, but it was overshadowed by two unfortunate tragedies in the community that deeply affected our students. Many of you reached out to me about the loss of two non-students who were known and loved by the students of SHS even though they did not attend here. This left me questioning once again, "Why is this happening?" and "How can I help?".

Recently, our 11th graders on campus participated in a workshop series about suicide through their history class. We decided to implement this program due to the rising crisis we are seeing in young people and in response to the loss of one of our seniors last year. We have created a Wellness Center on campus for all sorts of health related services: physical, emotional, social, etc. Through this center we partner with many outside entities to bring services to Serra High School. There is only one other high school in San Diego Unified to have this. Is this enough? I don't know if anything will ever be enough. We have had grief counselors on campus for the past two days and we will also be hosting a presentation at Serra put on by the Executive Director of Survivors of Suicide Loss group: Whether you are an immediate survivor or you have a child who knows a young adult who has attempted and/or completed suicide, this night is for you. Stay tuned for the date and time. This event is open to the entire community; all are welcome.

On another note, we have started "Learning Walks" around campus once a month. What is a Learning Walk? It is where teachers volunteer to open their classrooms for other teachers to visit on their prep period and observe best practices in order to reflect on their own practice. This is the first time in over a decade that educators have opened their doors to their colleagues to observe best practices in action. Below is a picture of a Math class on campus that had several visitors throughout the day as students worked in teams to solve a Math murder mystery! We are working to build a more collaborative culture and improve student learning!

In the Know:

1. There is no football game tonight.

2. Federal Survey Cards: Were sent home yesterday in period 1 and they need to be returned, ASAP. Please ensure these forms are signed and returned so that our school can be eligible for important Impact Aid. We are shooting for 100% return as schools who have the largest percentage returned are competing for additional funding! If your student needs a blank one, please send him or her to the office to pick one up.

2. State of the District Address: The Superintendent has decided to have the annual State of the District Address right here at our own Serra High School. All are welcome but you must RSVP at

3. Night School: Night School is NOW in session. Classes are held on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 2:30-5:00. We offer the following sessions:

Session 1: Physics/Bio: October 2-Nov 29 in Room 701

Session 2: English: December 3- February 5 in Room 211

Session 3: Math: February 7- April 8 in Room 802

Session 4: English/SS: April 9- May 31 in Room 211B

*****See your counselor to register******Seniors have priority.

4. PSAT: October 10, 2018: Sophomores (all) and some Juniors and Freshman (who paid to test) will take the PSAT, given on campus.

5. The grading period is coming to an end next Friday October 12, 2018: Please go on PowerSchool and check now to make sure your child's grades are up to date and current and accurate. If you at ANY point feel they aren't please email the teacher and cc your child's VP. Grades being up to date is part of an educator's job description because it is a form of communication--we aim to provide timely feedback about student progress.

6. Homecoming Dance and Game: We play Crawford next Friday at 6:30PM and then Saturday is our dance. We have sold over 1000 tickets! So exciting! We also have SPIRIT WEEK from 10/8-10/12.

Monday: COZY DAY





Build UP: We have a new program called Build Up:


Last weekend, ELEVATED members presented at MADD’s annual Teen Influencer conference in Huntington Beach. ELEVATED members developed a Kahoot presentation entitled, Power of Youth, where they educated other youth about the impact of underage drinking. More importantly, they were able to share their experiences with other teens on why they made the choice to remain drug and alcohol free while in high school.!!!!

Great Job SAY!

Stacy Chiles | Community & Youth Organizer

SAY San Diego |Serra Real Connections Center

5156 Santo Road | San Diego, CA  92124

Office: 858-722-7617

Counseling Items:

"Class Of" Nights: While we don't say these are "mandatory meetings," please do everything in your power to attend. Very important information is shared here that pertains directly to your child. These meetings are as follows:

October 8, 2018- Class of 2019

October 9, 2018- Class of 2020

October 10, 2018- Class of 2021

October 11, 2018-Class of 2022

All of these start at 6:00 pm in the Media Center and your child's VP will be present. We are here to support you!

College Visits: For Seniors only!!

10/22/18              Azusa Pacific  @10:40

10/15/18              UCSB     @ 10:40

In order to be eligible to attend, students must have a minimum of a 2.5 GPA and submit a signed permission slip from teacher by the assigned due date. Pick up permission slip in the Counseling office.

College and FAFSA workshops will be held every Wednesday during lunch in room 200 from October 3-Feb. 27.

Athletics: A great way to spend your evenings is with SHS Athletics and our amazing events. There are so many that we have our own website devoted to just this topic. Please reference this link which can also be found on our webpage.,ca)/calendar.htm

Reminder: Participating in Serra Athletics is a privilege not a right. If an athletes is found to be acting in a manner unbecoming of Serra, Athletics will be taken away for the season! We expect our student-athletes (and all of our students) to act with respect and dignity.


1. Principal's Coffee---We had a great one! Did you miss it? No worries, click here: for a recap. The next one is on October 30th, 2018.

2. Booster Information--Class of 2019: At our recent meeting we talked about how we can support one another, making the Class of 2019's last year at Serra the best year. We decided to divide and conquer with SHS footing the bill for Graduation at USD and Boosters supporting events along the way including GRAD Night. We are so grateful to the Boosters.

SERRA HS SENIOR CLASS OF 2019: Dear Parents of Graduating Seniors, As we begin our 2018-2019 school year, the Serra Senior Parent Booster Club will be raising funds for this year’s senior class activities which include events such as Grad Night, Senior Luncheon and Graduation. Help us reach our fundraising goals for these events by making a tax- deductible donation of $50-100.00. Any amount is greatly appreciated. Donations can either be made online using this link,, or you can write a check payable to Serra Senior Parent Boosters. If using the online square account through the above noted link, you will be able to use your credit card. If you prefer to write a check, please drop your check off in the front office. Please address the envelope, “ Class of 2019,” and write that in the memo of the check as well to avoid any confusion with the Class of 2021 Boosters which is also collecting money. As parents of seniors, we are looking forward to a fun and exciting year; your support will be greatly appreciated.Thank you very much! Serra HS Senior Parent Boosters 📷 TAX ID #33-06363145156 Santo RD, San Diego, CA, 92124

Class of 2020: We have no Booster. (Please email me at if you want to start one.)

Class of 2021:

The Serra High c/o 2021 Booster Club held their first meeting on Wednesday, September 19th at 6 pm in the Alumni Room in the Media Center. We discussed generating funds that will support senior activities and help secure a premier graduation venue for the c/o

2021.  Be on the lookout for upcoming events. Questions? Send an email to: Here is their donation letter:

Class of 2022: I asked for volunteers to start one and YOU stepped up! We are in the process of forming one. Stay tuned!!!! Thank you for your support! Serra High Administration

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