Happy Monday Serra High!
I hope everyone had an amazing Spring Break and it was filled with family and relaxation. I met with my team this morning and I wanted to get you out some information. I will be reiterating these in my Friday Blog as well but didn't want it to get lost in the sea on normal information we push out on Fridays.
Note: This Friday we are having a Principals Coffee at 8 AM and the link is on our calendar. We will be taking any and all questions about Reopening along with a few other items.
This is your need to know:
Taking Care of Business is still on Wednesdays only.
Our start time starting on Monday April 12th, 2021 is 8:45. This is 5 minutes earlier than we have been doing all year. This is our official start time moving forward into future years. Please make note of this for Monday.
A-L is Monday and Tuesday and M-Z is Wednesday and Thursday. Fridays teachers agreed to do 30 minutes of live contact but all students will be at home.
College Courses: If your child has Assigned Time Home or CCAP classes they can come and study in the Media Center during those periods.
Period 1 and 3 they will not be required to be on campus
Once they exit campus they can not return
5. If you have selected onsite learning you need to understand the following and know that we will be using this document as an agreement of understanding between you and Serra:
6. You are only allowed to show up on your assigned day. We can not have cross-contamination for contract tracing purposes.
7. We will be directing your student to the proper buildings for their classes especially our ninth graders---and 10th. However they MUST know the room numbers please look on PowerSchool and provide this to your child.
What your child will need to know: This will be reviewed with videos for them on the first day of their return:
Room numbers and teachers for all periods
Clear Pass on Phone--link is center on SHS website for ease. If they fail we get an immediate email...they are NOT to come to school but stay home and log on as they have been doing.
Go directly to Period 1
All students must stay for office hours at the end of every period
Students can not congregate under any circumstance indoors or out
Our hallways have been approved as large enough for direct transition from class to class but students must keep moving.
Must exit immediately after period 3 and grab and go lunches will be available.
Students must bring:
Mask: worn at all times
Headphones if they have them
Charger for computer
Personal water bottle if wanted
We will help your children every step of the way......its going to be amazing! No need to worry.
Have a great week.
Dr. Erica Renfree