Happy SATURDAY Serra High!
This past week has been very busy. We have had AP Night, Book Pick-Up, Principal's Coffee and lots of Athletics meetings. If you missed the coffee thats okay as all the information will be in this blog. Coming up this week is Spring Open House so you can listen and meet your Spring term teachers. Lastly, check the Booster section as meetings are coming up for the Class Of's.
Don't forget we have NO SCHOOL this Friday or Monday. Please enjoy that time off; you deserve it!
Did you know that Serra High has a new phone number???? Our phones were all updated over the last few weeks. The new number is 619-605-8100. Please write this down to avoid frustrations later.
SPRING OPEN HOUSE: This Wednesday!!!!
1. Go to your child's teacher page on the STAFF DIRECTORY
2. Look for the Open House link and click it
Here is the schedule:
Period 1: 5:00 - 5:10
Period 2: 5:15 - 5:25
Period 3: 5:30 - 5:40
Book Return and Distribution: Did you miss all the dates?????Please return any books you have from any year on WEDNESDAYS 1pm-4pm! So many books are outstanding and you need to return to be clear for when you graduate and we need them to give to others!
In partnership with Gov. Newsom, Parents Anonymous® Inc. launched the California Parent & Youth Helpline and Online Parents Anonymous® Support Groups in response to COVID-19 to provide free trauma-informed, evidence-based emotional support to parents, children, and youth in any language via calls, text, live chat, and email.
Please share these flyers with more information with your school communities: parent and youth helpline, parent support groups in English and Spanish.
MFLAC-Military Family Life Counselor, Audrey Teshima.
SDSU Math Tutors!! (assisting most of our math classes now!)
SAY San Diego: Junior Student to Student made a video about welcoming new kids to school: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CGRZkvUU3us5ofrxNkzZm7Z5ss8eMonR/view
Wellness Center.
Monday: Athletics
Tuesday: Athletics and Governance
Wednesday: OPEN HOUSE OPEN for Taking Care of Business--Media Center and Office
Thursday: Athletics
Friday: Nothing--NO SCHOOL
Senior Lawn Signs
Thank you so much to the hard working parents of the Senior Parent Boosters. The distributed hundreds of Senior lawn signs during text book drop off and pick up. But, we still have some left. About 50 seniors did not pick up a lawn sign. If your senior is one of the 50 that didn’t pick up a lawn sign, hope is not lost! If your senior did not pick up a lawn sign, they can pick it up at Serra’s Media Center on Wednesdays between 1pm and 4pm.
Serra’s ASB is officially in session this semester! In future blogs you can look forward to seeing club spot lights, teacher standouts, the return of the bulletin, and more. But first, Valentine’s day is around the corner, and ASB is calling on all students to wear pink or red on 2/11/21. (See attached flyer)
Advanced Placement (AP Classes):
Check it all out.
Click here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1x-2Gtqkmz1aVpyeHgdv-xxtip6SNYX0DC9-PfPlDp7o/edit?usp=sharing
Here is our cover!
----To order a yearbook click here: https://yearbookforever.com/schools/serra_senior_high_school_buy_yearbook_313/
Our schedule change policy remains the same, we don’t do schedule changes unless they are gross errors. Serra’s counseling team is reviewing all requests. Please be mindful that we are very limited in course offerings, since we have gone down from a 6 period day to a 3 period day. All courses offered were based on student’s request. The intention of a 3 period day is to decrease the workload for students, thus providing more time for students to be successful in the courses they have selected. If a student is already experiencing challenges in a class, we recommend students work with their teachers and take advantage of office hours. We thank you for the understanding.
Message from Patrick Miencharoen, Serra’s CalSoap Rep
Hello! My name is Patrick Miencharoen. I am Serra High's Cal-SOAP representative. In case you haven't heard of us before, Cal-SOAP is a state-run organization under the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) that aims to assist high school seniors in completing financial aid and college applications, among other things. If you would like to get assistance in completing the FAFSA/Dream Act application please contact me (or have your child contact me) as soon as possible at pmiencha@ucsd.edu. Due to the finicky nature of the SDUSD email firewall, you or your child will need to email me from a non-SDUSD-issued email. Also, before I am allowed to work with your child, please have them complete this very short survey: https://ucsd.mylacai.com/apply.php. Application deadline is March 2nd. Thank you.Attention Senior planning to attend a community college next year:
The San Diego Promise program is a two-year completion program for recent high school graduates who enroll full-time (12 units per semester) at San Diego City College, San Diego Mesa College, or San Diego Miramar College. The program provides up to two years of free tuition to eligible students. Participation in the Promise program comes with a variety of benefits: free tuition for up to two years, access peer mentor/success coach, specialized counseling and guidance support, and additional campus engagement opportunities.
Up to two years of free tuition and health fees
Book grants for eligible students
Access to Peer Mentor/Success Coach
Individualized counseling and guidance support to help you complete your educational goals
Must be a first-time college student
Must be Class of 2021 high school graduate (H.S. Diploma or GED)
Must be a California resident or AB 540 eligible
Must enroll in a minimum of 12 units each semester (does not apply to DSPS students with eligible academic accommodation)
Must maintain a 2.0 college GPA
Attend an on-campus Promise orientation
Sign a Promise contract
Enroll in at least 12 units by September 7, 2021
Meet with a counselor each semester
Complete a comprehensive education plan by the end of your first year
Complete steps 1-4 by June 11th for priority registration and admission to the program.
Step 1: Complete a Fall 2021 application for admission at City, Mesa, or Miramar College.
Step 2: Complete a 2021-2022 FAFSA or California Dream Act application.
CA Dream Act- https://dream.csac.ca.gov/
School Codes for FAFSA or Dream Act applications:
- City College: 001273
- Mesa College: 001275
- Miramar College: 014172
Step 3: Complete a Promise application.
Step 4: Complete an online orientation and meet with a college counselor for an abbreviated education plan.
Step 5: Attend an on-campus Promise orientation and sign your Promise Contact.
For additional information on the San Diego Promise Program, please contact our Outreach offices:
City College First Year Services (FYS)
619-388-3998 sdpromisecity@sdccd.edu
Mesa College Outreach
619-388-2230 sdpromisemesa@sdccd.edu
Miramar College Outreach
619-388-7357 sdpromisemiramar@sdccd.edu
Wanna go to Spain in 2022?
Senior Boosters:
Senior Boosters:
If you have driven on Santo past Serra, you may have noticed the banners that we hung supporting our Serra Seniors! We are inviting parents, families, and the community to get creative and make posters to add to the fence! Individual families (no gatherings please) can put up posters or Boosters members will come pick up your poster and hang it up! Laminated posters or vinyl banners (1DayBanner.com) are encouraged, so that they will endure the elements. Let's show our seniors we are rooting for them as they come into the home stretch of high school! Email serra2021boosters@gmail.com<mailto:serra2021boosters@gmail.com> if you have questions or would like your poster put up.
The Seniors can also look forward to a gift from the Boosters when they drop off and pick up their textbooks this next week: face masks with "Class of 2021" printed on the side and "Serra Senior" yard signs for families to proudly put on display!
Our next Class of 2021 Boosters meeting is Wednesday Feb. 24 at 6:30 PM.
Class of 2021: Information will be coming out on a regular basis and usually Dr. Renfree puts it towards to the top her blog. However information can always be found here if not in the main blog section.
Class of 2022:
Class of 2023:
Calling all Class 2023 Parents! You are cordially invited to:
Class of 2023 Parent Boosters First Meeting –
Why: Let's meet our Sophomore parents and learn what we do as a Class Parent Booster.
When: Wednesday February 17, 2021 @ 6:30pm via zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85478088936?pwd=T3ZKdTBmZXFGYWhpc2Z0eDRkQVcyUT09 Meeting ID: 854 7808 8936 Passcode: 6VQZfX
Class of 2024 Parent Booster First meeting will be on 2/10 6:30pm via zoom. Meet other Freshman parents, learn what the Parent Boosters do and why and share ideas. Signup to receive class of 2024 Parent Booster e-mails at Serra2024boosters@gmail.com Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 849 2564 4650
Passcode: 137180Have an amazing weekend!
Dr. Erica Renfree