Dear SHS Family,
We are moving forward with our Distance Learning program at SHS and much has happened since my last communication. Administration spent time meeting and checking in with every staff member and their families. All are well, but like you, they are excited to get started. We also reviewed some information and took questions and will re-meet on Monday. Administration spent hours creating a teacher handbook for digital high school which we will turn into a student handbook by Friday next week. The goal also this week has been to encourage reaching out to students, all while creating a classroom. If you haven't been contacted please have your student reach out to their teachers. We will though, be providing you a way next week to access it very easily and a schedule for you child should you need help in keeping a structured day with school starting April 27, 2020 (we recommend it). We also have collected a ton of resources for all sorts of issues: mental health, rent, family support, military etc. They are listed at the bottom of the blog; please check them out.
Lastly, we are still selling Yearbooks, and we have a special section on current COVID-19 situation.
Click here to purchase:
Technology Survey--We need all families to participate regardless of whether you need it. We currently have 1233 of 1326!!!! WOW over double!!!!! Keep them coming! Call will start Monday calling if you have not filled it out!
Click here:
If you need internet at your home click here:
The above is also on the front page of our website.
I have been in talks with the district over having the last day for pick up. I also spoke about the hardship for families that live in City Heights to go such a long distance for pick up. I have been able to secure new days and times!
They are as follows.
Pick up starts at 9 and goes until 4. MUST KNOW STUDENT ID'S OR HAVE CARD
Students in the City Heights Area or surrounding area--ONLY
Hoover April 16. A-L in the morning, M-Z in afternoon
Hoover April 17 A-L in the morning , M-Z in afternoon
Students in Murphy Canyon and Tierrasanta or surrounding area--ONLY
Scripps. April 22 A-L in the morning, M-Z in the afternoon
Scripps April 24 A-L in the morning, M-Z in the afternoon
This information will also be coming out in a separate email and call later today!
Our counselors are here to support you and can be contacted through our website. However we understand they play a vital role in giving information out. We have created a newsletter we will be updating every few days with new information.
You can access it on our website under counseling but also by click here:
I’m getting many requests for transcripts. Any senior can make that request online on the Serra Counseling website or by clicking HERE
***Please read the top of the form about COVID-19 and the procedure before filling out the form.
Scholarship Highlight: As always please go to the SHS Counseling webpage for our scholarship newsletter:
Tierrasanta Junior Women's Club (TJWC) Scholarships
The Tierrasanta Junior Women’s Club (TJWC) would like to award six scholarships, in the amount of $1,000 each to young ladies graduating from Serra High in June, 2020. Again, we would like two of the $1,000 awards made to students who intend to continue their education by enrolling in a trade school, and four $1,000 awards should be designated for individuals who will be continuing on to a four-year university or community college.
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
¨ Awards will be made to female students.
¨ For those individuals continuing on to a University or Community College, a minimum 3.0 GPA is required.
¨ No minimum GPA is required for Trade School.
¨ Must demonstrate an interest in community service/issues.
¨ We would prefer a person who is willing to “get involved”, preferably with a history of volunteering.
¨ Awardees should be in most need of financial assistance.
¨ TJWC would choose to award an individual who is dedicated, determined and exhibits all the qualities needed to succeed but may have been “overlooked” in the awards process. We are thinking of the “hidden” gem who deserves and would benefit the most from the recognition and a little financial help from her community.
Interested students can access the application here: TJWC Scholarship Application
Completed Applications need to be e-mailed to Mr. Stewart at by 4pm on Friday May 15th
Announcing the 2020
Kiwanis Foundation of Tierrasanta Scholarships
The Kiwanis Foundation of Tierrasanta is pleased to announce that it will again be awarding the Vernon D. Bowman, Thomas G. Cherniss and George V. Paluso Scholarships at the end of the 2020 school year to graduating seniors of Serra High School. These scholarships are awarded annually to students who best exemplify Kiwanis ideals that were fostered by these three respected Kiwanis Club members and residents of Tierrasanta. Scholarships are based on a student’s demonstration of academic success, a strong record of community service, leadership and altruistic devotion to the welfare of fellow students. In addition to the general criteria, athletic participation and leadership is a prerequisite for the Paluso scholarship.
Applicants must be 2020 graduating seniors from Serra High School who will be pursuing an associate or bachelor level degree, or higher education that will qualify the applicant for entry into a business, profession or trade. Scholarship applications will be reviewed by a scholarship committee of the Kiwanis Foundation of Tierrasanta, where the selections will be made.
Selections for scholarship awards will be based upon the depth of community service, participation in Serra High School activities, including athletics (required for the Paluso scholarship), and scholastic achievement. Applicants will be required to:
· document their school and community activities and leadership
· submit an official transcript
· write a reflective essay regarding their activities, and
· submit a letter of recommendation.
Students need only submit one application to be considered for all three scholarships listed below:
· Vernon D. Bowman scholarship: payable in annual installments over four years
· Thomas G. Cherniss scholarship: a one-time scholarship payment
· George V. Paluso scholarship: a one-time scholarship payment
Due to the impact of COVID-19 on San Diego schools, applications are available immediately, via email – if you are interested in applying for one of the three above scholarships, please email and the application package will be emailed back to you. All applications must be returned via email to Bob Richards at the above email address by midnight on May 8, 2020 in order to remain eligible. Students will be notified of their selection by mid-May and awards will either be presented at Awards Night or mailed directly to the students at their home if Awards Night is canceled.
Trouble with the Rent...Get help here
Times are rough and we know that having to pay rent when you cant can be an extremely stressful situation. There are resources willing to help.
In response to the widespread economic and public health impact of COVID-19, San Diego County and a number of cities within the County have passed “eviction moratoriums”. The moratoriums provide important legal protections from eviction for tenants who are unable to pay their monthly rent because of COVID-19 related financial hardship.
A tenant who has experienced a substantial decrease in household income or unanticipated medical expenses due to the economic impact of COVID-19, who as a result is unable to pay full rent, is required to notify his/her landlord / property manager of the inability to pay. The notice must be in writing and the landlord/ property manager must be notified on or before the date rent becomes due. A tenant must also provide the landlord/ property manager with supplemental documentation of the financial hardship within 7 days of the date rent becomes due. Documentation may include letters, text messages or emails in communication with an employer, financial statements, business records, physician’s letter, social worker or service provider’s letter, verifiable personal statement, medical bills, and/or a combination thereof.
This is extremely time-sensitive given that April 1 is rapidly approaching. If eligible tenants do not give notification and provide documentation, they will likely lose protections under the moratoriums. While the requirements to notify and provide documentation may vary slightly among the cities in the County, it is strongly recommended that ALL eligible tenants in San Diego County follow the protocol outlined in this email. You can help eligible community members by providing them with the notice template below and assisting them in the process of providing notice and documenting financial hardship within the very tight deadlines.
Click here for template:
En respuesta al impacto generalizado que COVID-19 a tenido en la económica y salud pública, el condado de San Diego y varias ciudades dentro del Condado han aprobado "moratorias de desalojo". Las moratorias proporcionan importantes protecciones legales contra el desalojo para los inquilinos que no pueden pagar su alquiler mensual debido a dificultades financieras relacionadas con COVID-19.
Un inquilino que está pasando por una disminución sustancial en los ingresos del hogar o tiene gastos médicos imprevistos debido al impacto económico de COVID-19, que como resultado no puede pagar el alquiler completo, está obligado a notificar a su arrendador / administrador de la propiedad de la incapacidad de pagar. El aviso debe ser por escrito y el arrendador/ administrador de la propiedad debe ser notificado en o antes de la fecha de vencimiento del alquiler. Un inquilino también debe proporcionar al arrendador/administrador de la propiedad una documentación suplementaria de las dificultades financieras dentro de los 7 días de la fecha en que el alquiler se vence. La documentación puede incluir cartas, mensajes de texto o correos electrónicos de su empleador, estados financieros, registros comerciales, carta del médico, carta de trabajador social o proveedor de servicios, declaración personal verificable, facturas médicas y/o una combinación de los mismos.
Es urgente que esta información se sepa dado que el 1 de abril se está acercando rápidamente. Si los inquilinos elegibles no dan notificación y proporcionan documentación, es probable que pierdan protecciones bajo las moratorias. Si bien los requisitos para notificar y proporcionar documentación pueden variar ligeramente entre las ciudades del Condado, se recomienda firmemente que TODOS los inquilinos elegibles en el Condado de San Diego sigan el protocolo descrito en este correo electrónico. Ustedes pueden ayudar a los miembros elegibles de la comunidad proporcionándoles la plantilla de aviso adjunta y ayudándoles en el proceso de proporcionar aviso y documentar dificultades financieras dado que los plazos para dar aviso están tan reducidos.
Haga clic aquí para ver la plantilla o llame a la persona a continuación
Shannon Stracener | Program Manager
SAY San Diego | Serra Real Connections / Field Healthy Start
5156 Santo Road | San Diego, CA 92124
Office: 858-496-8342 Ext.2230 Fax: 858-571-3457
Food Distribution
Also, on the food distribution, though students are giving their ID numbers when they pick up food (so I’m told) there is NO requirement on whether or not you’ve signed up for free and reduced meals. EVERYONE under 18 will get a meal for free. Next year, we’ll need EVERY family to apply for free and reduced meals (I’m expecting more will qualify due to this event which will help us with our Title 1 funding concerns). But for now, everyone is set as we move forward in planning for next year.
You can pick up food at :
FARB Middle School---Tierrasanta by Serra
Cherokee Point Elementary - 3735 38th St, San Diego, CA 92105
Clark Middle - 4388 Thorn St, San Diego, CA 92105
Oak Park Elementary - 2606 54th St, San Diego, CA 92105
Military Family Support
Serra has a Military Family Life Counselor who is dedicated to supporting you.
Student Resources:
Most Sincerely,
Dr. Erica Renfree