What an AMAZING week for Serra!
Serra High School received some amazing news and in addition volunteered for ground breaking work in regards to reflection of instruction. Lets run through the highlights!
1. We are UP UP UP in enrollment!!!!!!!! This is the first time in 5 years! This is amazing. While we have work to do, my insistence on great customer service is starting to work. This jump has allocated us an additional half-time teacher!
2. Teachers in the photo above engaged in a new pilot called the E3 evaluation system. These teachers volunteered to pilot the new evaluation system in the state. This includes things like observations, videos, etc and is aligned to the practices that National Accredited Teachers go through. Its very rigorous and this is a great way for us to work with all the stakeholders and provide feedback before it is officially adopted by the state. HUGE shout out to Rachel Neumann, Kate Amos, Katryna Fahlgren, and Brittany Parrish way to go!
3. Fox News came and did a early morning spot on Serra High and our Football Game tonight vs FallBrook which is White Out Night for Seniors.
Check out this clip! https://fox5sandiego.com/2018/09/21/serra-conquistadors-ready-to-take-on-fallbrook-warriors/
In the Know:
1. The football Game tonight is at 6:45 vs. Fallbrook. Please come and join us! Battle of the Fans Tonight!
2. Principals Coffee---Want to know all about Serra and things going on? Come to the Principal's Coffee and get a face-to-face with me!!!! All are welcome 7:30 AM in the Media Center September 28th. Coffee and continental breakfast are available. All questions are welcome!
3. Counseling: Amazing things are happening in our Counseling Office! Please see their section below for all the details.
4. Did you know we have a Facebook and Instagram???Follow us for real time amazing things at Serra! Search Junipero Serra High School-San Diego CA on Facebook and @JuniperoSHS on Instagram!
5. Next Tuesday is the LAST day to buy Senior shirts and Dawg Pound Shirts. Order here: https://serrahighschool.wixsite.com/spiritgear.
6. We have a huge increase in students parking in the staff lot. We are now going to place security at the ramp into the lot. Why this tactic? The lunch ladies have no place to park!!!!! How sad is that! Plus its rule...:)
7. Our calendar is putting other school events on ours. Please ignore the calendar at the bottom of our website and click on the second tab at the top...its says (drum roll please...) CALENDAR! or click here https://serrahighschool.wixsite.com/mastercalendar.
8. Homecoming is FAST approaching:
Did you know we have a new Counseling website we are working on.
But in the meantime, here are important dates for counseling:
1. October 15-26th: At-Risk Meetings: Students in ALL grades who are "At-Risk" will be meeting with their counselor and Vice Principals; Parents are invited to attend.
2. Here and Now: Here and Now is a Suicide Prevention Program aimed at helping students identify not only if they are struggling, but if others they know are and what to do in order to either get help or seek it for another. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem (one that may last years but not a lifetime) Students can be impulsive when in an emotional state. Permission slips went home in Govt. classes. Please when your students are going through this program you open yourself up to dialog about the issue in your homes. We as a school are here to support you!
3. "Class Of" Nights: Coming in October! While we don't say mandatory meeting please do everything in your power to come. Very important information is shared here that pertains directly to your child.
October 8, 2018- Class of 2019 Night--Everything you need to know for the year!!!!
October 9, 2018- Class of 2020 Night
October 10, 2018- Class of 2021 Night
October 11, 2018-Class of 2022 Night
All nights start at 6:00 pm in the Media Center and your child's Dean and VP will be present. We are here to support you!
A great way to spend your evenings is with SHS Athletics and our amazing events. There are so many that we have our own website devoted to just this topic. Please reference this link which can also be found on our webpage.http://www.maxpreps.com/high-schools/serra-conquistadors-(san-diego,ca)/calendar.htm
Reminder: Athletics is a privilege not a right. Athletes first step if they are acting in a manner unbecoming of Serra is that Athletics is taken away for the season! We expect our athletes (and all our students) to act with respect and dignity Competition Cheerleading Try-outs are Sept 26,27 at 3pm in the Wrestling Room. All students trying out must use www.athleticclearance.com to signup and fill out forms. A sports physical dated after June 4, 2018 must also be turned into the front office with the confirmation form from the website. If a student already signed up online for other athletic teams please check to make sure competition cheer is also been signed up for in www.athleticclearance.com
SAY SAN DIEGO: Working for SHS!
Did you know we have a secret garden??? We do!

The garden pictures are from our garden clean-up day last month. We had over 30 people come out to revitalize Serra’s garden, including parents, grandparents, students, PTO members, our Wellness Center Coordinator, SAY San Diego staff, Higher Ground, a Serra student club, Circle of Heroes, a community group, our nutrition educator from San Diego Health and Human Services, and more!
We are excited about all of our plans for the garden. We restarted the garden club on campus and we had a great turn out at our first meeting. Students are excited to get growing so we can share the harvest with the school community at their garden stand. Kellogg Garden Products has helped us on our way by a generous donation of $1000 worth of soil, compost and fertilizer.
Some other things plans we have are, hosting nutrition and cooking classes in the garden, providing a therapeutic space for staff and students and our more ambitious goal is for teachers to integrate their academic classroom lessons with the garden.
Thanks for sharing this with our Serra Families,
With Gratitude,
Shannon Stracener | Program Manager
SAY San Diego | Serra Real Connections / Field Healthy Start
5156 Santo Road | San Diego, CA 92124
Office: 858-496-8342 Ext.2230 Fax: 858-571-3457
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1. Construction Update: Check this out! Bungalows Should be removed next week!https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r5j26KaaO-UmTCAuC60owGvNqMUwsXyq/view?usp=sharing
2. WIWMPK: Don't Miss Out on this Amazing Opportunity!
Booster Information:
Class of 2019: At the meeting last night we talked about how we can support one another i making the Class of 2019's last year at Serra the best year. We decided to divide and conquer with SHS footing the bill for Graduation at USD and Boosters supporting events along the way including GRAD Night. We are so grateful to the Boosters.
Dear Parents of Graduating Seniors,
As we begin our 2018-2019 school year, the Serra Senior Parent Booster Club will be raising funds for this year’s senior class activities which include events such as Grad Night, Senior Luncheon and Graduation.
Help us reach our fundraising goals for these events by making a tax- deductible donation of $50-100.00. Any amount is greatly appreciated.
Donations can either be made online using this link, squareup.com/store/serra-senior-parent-boosters, or you can write a check payable to Serra Senior Parent Boosters . If using the online square account through the above noted link, you will be able to use your credit card. If you prefer to write a check, please drop your check off in the front office. Please address the envelope- “ Class of 2019” and write that in the memo of the check as well to avoid any confusion with the Class of 2021 Boosters which is also collecting monies as well.
As parents of seniors, we are looking forward to a fun and exciting year. Your support will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much!
Serra HS Senior Parent Boosters 📷 TAX ID #33-0636314
5156 Santo RD, San Diego, Ca, 92124
Class of 2020: We have no Booster :(Please email me at erenfree@sandi.net if you want to start one.)
Class of 2021:The first Serra High c/o 2021 Booster Club meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 19th at 6 pm in the Alumni Room in the Media Center. We will discuss generating funds that will support senior activities and help secure a premier graduation venue for the c/o 2021. Questions? Send an email to: Serra2021boosters@gmail.com. Here is their donation letter:
Class of 2022: Last week I asked for volunteers to start one and YOU stepped up! We are in the process of forming one. Stay tuned!!!! Thank you for your support! Serra High Administration