Hello Q-Nation!
From my families to yours, Merry Christmas. I look forward to serving you in the new year and making SHS the best it can be for your students.
Here's what you need to know for the break and the first week back in 2020!
We have started talking about the district's Vision 2030 and received some input from parents but we would like more.
Please click this link to give input. You might need the "Nine Building Blocks to Success" which is under the "Knowledge is Power" Section: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1JKyqe0FH6KcDjlLvRhKn13Cxu7g8L5g20jJJ8F9fZTY/edit?usp=sharing
Athletics: Please check MAX PREPS and goconquistadors.com.
The girl’s varsity soccer team alumni game at 4 on 12/23, so make sure you check the calendar. Boys soccer is 12/27 at 4:30pm. Lacrosse has an alumni game on the 28th of December. Come out and support! Water polo alumni game is 12/28 at 3 pm at Allied Gardens pool.
Need to access your child's PSAT scores? Click here: https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/psat-nmsqt-psat-10/scores/getting-scores
The next Saturday School will be on January 11, 2020! Please look at your child's attendance online and how a student gets on the LOP list. Slips go out reminding students they should attend. NOTE: Second semester we do not offer as many Saturday schools so please do not gamble with this; especially seniors. Here is another copy of the LOP and also the Senior Contract!
Last Minute Stocking Stuffer?
Did you know we have SHS gear! Check it out! Proceeds go to our Serra Foundation....please go to http://serrafoundation.org/ to order.
Principal's Coffee: The January coffee is now January 24 at 730 AM.The new dates are on the master calendar; see you then.
Class of 2020 Boosters! Senior Parent Boosters--we are off to a great start. Thank you for your donations! Keep them coming! You can donate on-line at https://serra-2020-boosters.square.site/Contact: Serra2020boosters@gmail.com to be added to the email distribution list. Next Senior Booster meeting Tues. January 14th 6pm in Media Center/Alumni roomTo learn more about what’s coming up- visit the Senior 2020 boosters tab on the Serra website- Under Parents.
Class of 2021: Looking for a tax-deductible donation before the end of the year? The Class of 2021 Boosters is a 501(c)3 non profit organization raising funds to make our class' senior activities and graduation memorable for families and inclusive of all seniors. Go to https://www.classof2021serraboostersclub.com/ to make your donation or recurring donation today. Thank you for your support!
A message from your ASB President: Happy Holidays to the Serra High School community. I hope you all have a relaxing and fun-filled break, filled with lots of delicious food and love. On behalf of the student body, we thank you for supporting us through all we do. I can’t wait to see what our school and our ASB can do in the second semester when we are back from break! Love always, Isa Hazeltine
Knowledge is Power (articles/info to peruse)!
We have been in classrooms a lot evaluating teachers. As administration it is always interesting for us to see teachers in action. We were brainstorming and though about providing some questions you could email or ask your child's teacher when you have a concern or want an update on your child's progress.
Questions to consider:
1. How is my child's progress towards grade appropriate standards?
2. Which standards has my child struggled with and what support can be offered at school?
3. Your assignments in power school are not listed in a way I can truly tell what standard is being assessed; can you please make them more clear so that I may better support you.
4. Please describe for me the reason for my child's grade and or citizenship according to the SHS school wide policies.
5. Do you offer tutoring and when?
6. May I come and observe your class to better understand the content to help my child.
7. Based on Professional Developments you have had how have you inserted some of the practices into your daily lesson plans.
8. Can I see you lesson plans because I am unable to make it in to observe.
9. Can I please schedule a conference with you to better glean what is going on with my student.
If you have concerns, we implore you not to wait and to reach out to teachers in order to make sure your child is being supported and in addition that teachers are using the common grading policy and rubric (see previous blog from week 1 and 2).
Nine Building Blocks for the survey:
What High Performing Districts Look Like:
January 2020!
January 6, 2020: Nothing
January 7, 2020: My counselors and myself will be going to DePortola for articulation: YES its already here. Students will get the presentation at 9am and parents at 6pm. See you there!
January 8, 2020: We will be doing the same at FARB!
January 9, 2020: We will hold a additional meeting for parents who could not make the two dates above at 6 at SHS High in Media Center.
January 10, 2020: Friday: Nothing
January 11, 2020: Saturday School
Tierrasanta Library: Tons of Events for Students and Families. Check it out (especially Dec 21):
Club Highlight!
Be sure to get more involved in school clubs, all are welcome!! Hamster Club is a club based on how to raise and take care of rodents. They meet in Ms. Ngou’s room (803) on Thursdays during lunch. Hamster Club has two hamsters, Porky and Bacon. During the club, the members play with and learn how to properly take care of them, in addition to feeding and cleaning their cages. Join the club! You can check the announcement board for more information- there are clubs like Middle School Mentoring, Women’s Empowerment, Vegan, Humans for Humanity, Board Game, and many more!!
Articulation for the incoming class is starting and we are excited to see and meet your students if you have one at the Middle School!
https://serrahighschool.wixsite.com/website-4 (link to scholarship)
Job Opportunities: SHS will be posting and highlighting job opportunities for students. We even sign work permits as well. You can always find jobs for students on this district website which is being updated regularly. https://storage.googleapis.com/job-board/index.html
Class of 2020: Monday November 18th. 6pm in the Alumni Room is our next meeting. See you there!Also we have a new web page- visit the Serra website under “Parents”e-mail serra2020boosters@gmail.com to be added to the email listSerra class of 2020 Boosters are raising funds for important senior activities, such as Grad Night, Senior Luncheon, and all other senior related activities. To make a tax -deductible donation:Make checks payable to “Serra High Class of 2020 Boosters” and mail to Leslie Larranaga-Britt c/o Serra High Class of 2020 Boosters10601 Tierrasanta Blvd PO Box 308 San Diego, CA 92124. Please indicate 2020 booster in the memo line on the check.Serra2020boosters@gmail.com (to be added to the e-mail distribution list) Class of 2021:Hello c/o 2021 Parents! Want to join us? Please email:https://www.classof2021serraboostersclub.com/ Questions? Rebecca Ordas @ blondieptsd@gmail.comClass of 2022: TBDClass of 2023: TBD