Do you know we have a Instagram and Facebook?????? You do now! Follow all things SHS:Facebook: @serrahighschool and Instagram: @juniperoshs
Hello Conquistador Nation!
This week we are in playoffs (Girls Vball and Football!) In addition we also engaged in a Professional Development around something called options based response. This is an amazing training for adults only about emergency situations and how to handle them. We got the clips from all the positive press last week. Check it out!
....and this week we also had a powwow with circle of friends group to make Spooky hands! Yummy! This is a group of kids who devote time to working with students with special needs. IF you are interested in having your child do this please contact Angela Martin at amartin1@sandi.net Group meets at lunch once a week! It has a HUGE impact!

In the Know: SLOW WEEK! and few weeks leading up to Thanksgiving!
October 31: Halloween--See regulations

November 2: CLUB RUSH!!!!!! at lunch
November 3: SATURDAY--Winter tryouts
Preview: November 5th, 6th at 730AM: Parent Tours for MS parents: Sign up here!
November 8: Band Invitational at 5pm--BIG DEAL!
November 9th: 2:30 PM: Parent Tours for MS parents: Sign up here!
November 10th: CLASS OF 2019 Booster Event:

Instruction Spotlight!:
This week we are going in classrooms and looking at Learning Targets and if those targets have the proper assessment? Then we started asking if teachers really know what assessment even is and how not to OVER assess.
Assessment as a whole (in theory) looks like this: More on this at Principals Coffee

WOW thats a lot! SHS decided to break this down and focus on one subject: Mathematics! We couldn't be more excited. More on this in upcoming Principal's Coffee's.
Students Crushing It: A New Section Devoted to Students who are doing amazing things! Pictures and Captions Only--Theres just too much!

Counseling News:
1. Unlocking the Genius will be in January
2. Letters of Rec need to be requested there are no assumptions
3. Fafsa Workshops are at 11 am on Wednesdays
4. College Apps should be getting filled out
5. Class of 2021--Clare Bobis will be leaving SHS to help the Deaf Community--Stay Tuned for our new counselor announcement coming soon!
6. Scholarships!!!: CLICK HERE! Updated Regularly
Also in Written News:
1. Garden Club--
Hello School Community,
As many of you know the Garden Club is back in action! The students are excited and have some goals that will benefit the whole school and the community at large. Some of those goals are:
· Starting a produce stand where the harvest will available with a small donation.
· Cooking with the plants grown in the garden to promote healthier eating.
· Nutrition workshops in the garden
· Donating garden surplus to those in need.
· Experimenting with gardening strategies to discover best practices
· Helping Flower Shop grow flowers
The school’s Wellness Committee is also planning on integrating the garden into the school’s Wellness Plan. This is exiting! The garden has received some large donations of supplies and grant monies to put the ideas into action! We are confident the plans for the garden will come to fruition.
We need everyone’s help to help make the garden successful by following a few garden guidelines. The Garden Club members, with help from myself and Kristina Knight, have created a few guidelines/reminders.
· Please keep the garden doors locked at all times, unless an adult is present.
· Please turn of the hose valve on the left when done using it.
· Please walk on the mulch paths or cement walkways.
· Please keep fruits, vegetables, flowers and herbs where they are growing, unless discussed with the Garden Club.
· Please gently water the flower beds, using the “shower” setting, being careful not to flood the new seeds planted.
· Please return all supplies to their home if you use them.
· Please throw away any debris created by your time in the garden.
We will also post this on the garden doors. Thank you for everyone’s support. And, we would love for you to come check out the garden. Club meetings are Fridays at lunch in room209/the garden.
Keep your eyes out for an invitation for a Garden Open House early next year.
With Gratitude,
Shannon Stracener, Kristina Knight, and Garden Club Members
Upcoming Events:
2. Shakespeare.
This event is a collaboration of The Old Globe, SAY San Diego and San Diego Military Family Collaborative. It is open to the Tierrasanta and Murphy Canyon community and all of our families attending Serra from other neighborhoods. Please share this link with those wanting to join us for the performance.The show is Friday, November 16th in the media center. Dinner is served at 5pm and the show begins at 5:45pm. Dinner and the show are free! It should wrap up about 8:30pm. It is recommended for those 13 years and older. Feel free to share my contact information with those registering. I can answer questions and address concerns.We know that theater and art act as a catalyst to create communityhttps://www.eventbrite.com/e/globe-for-all-presents-a-midsummer-nights-dream-tickets-508794136961. Express yourself through Art, every Thursday from 2:30-3:30 pm in room 230. Bring your creativity, we'll supply the rest.
2. Have you ever wanted to own your or startup your own business? Learn everything you need at the Young Entrepreneur Club, Where you will get hands on experience, learn the technicalities and laws of business, and Hear real experiences from real business owners. The Young Entrepreneur Club meets Mondays and Fridays during lunch at room 211b.Cotner
Booster Information--Class of 2019: At our recent meeting we talked about how we can support one another, making the Class of 2019's last year at Serra the best year. We decided to divide and conquer with SHS footing the bill for Graduation at USD and Boosters supporting events along the way including GRAD Night. We are so grateful to the Boosters. SERRA HS SENIOR CLASS OF 2019: Dear Parents of Graduating Seniors, As we begin our 2018-2019 school year, the Serra Senior Parent Booster Club will be raising funds for this year’s senior class activities which include events such as Grad Night, Senior Luncheon and Graduation. Help us reach our fundraising goals for these events by making a tax- deductible donation of $50-100.00. Any amount is greatly appreciated. Donations can either be made online using this link, squareup.com/store/serra-senior-parent-boosters, or you can write a check payable to Serra Senior Parent Boosters. If using the online square account through the above noted link, you will be able to use your credit card. If you prefer to write a check, please drop your check off in the front office. Please address the envelope, “ Class of 2019,” and write that in the memo of the check as well to avoid any confusion with the Class of 2021 Boosters which is also collecting money. As parents of seniors, we are looking forward to a fun and exciting year; your support will be greatly appreciated.Thank you very much! Serra HS Senior Parent Boosters 📷 TAX ID #33-06363145156 Santo RD, San Diego, CA, 92124 Class of 2020: Leslie Larranaga-Britt has a few people together! YAY! They will meet with Liz Ward and start the process so stay tuned for how you can join! Class of 2021: The Serra High c/o 2021 Booster Club held their first meeting on Wednesday, September 19th at 6 pm in the Alumni Room in the Media Center. We discussed generating funds that will support senior activities and help secure a premier graduation venue for the c/o2021. Be on the lookout for upcoming events. Questions? Send an email to: Serra2021boosters@gmail.com. Here is their donation letter:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RoovVJd6RQXujFinV9NMmyIgaIdLTHL-/view?usp=sharing. Class of 2022: I asked for volunteers to start one and YOU stepped up! We are in the process of forming one. Stay tuned!!!! Thank you for your support! Serra High Administration