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Academics during Pandemic: Update

Writer's picture: Dr. RenfreeDr. Renfree

Dear Serra Families--

We have all been through a lot the last few weeks. I never thought a month ago anything like this was even a possibility; yet here we find ourselves. Many of you have emailed asking me similar things and so I want to make sure I offer support and also resources for you and your families.

First of all, I hope you and all of your family members are well. I know its hard having no school and so I want you to know that we are here for you in whatever capacity you need. Please do not hesitate to reach out.

Social Emotional Wellness:

We at Serra take this seriously. You can always reach out to your counselor by clicking here:

In addition Danielle Octon who runs our Wellness Center is also available to connect you with resources in your community. Her email and information is:

Danielle Octon, MPH

[Pronouns: She-Her-Hers]

Wellness Center Coordinator

Hoover & Serra High School

Cell: 619-518-4941

[texting unavailable]


While we are awaiting decisions to be made on many issues at the high school level in regards to Academics, the following we do know:

Enrichment Activities are available via SDUSD website. Click here:

After Spring Break:

Also right after Spring Break (if we return to school) hopefully we can get students back up to speed.

Plan B/C

However if we do NOT return: Teachers at that time will be able to provide enrichment activities to your students until we return. --If directed otherwise such as going digital you will hear from me.

"WHAT CAN I DO RIGHT NOW?"--the question I'm getting the most. I took action with other HS Principals and you can do the following.

As part of our continued efforts to get you every quality resource available, I’m thrilled to share that all SDUSD high school families will have access to Winward Academy’s curriculum through the end of the school year. Students can use Winward Academy to access the following:

English lessons to build core skills in grammar and mechanics needed for everyday writing skill and also for the ACT English and SAT Writing & Language exams

Math lessons to review the most frequently tested concepts in Algebra, Geometry, and Algebra II/Trig that arise on the ACT and SAT exams

Reading lessons to expose students to the types of passages, question types, and strategies for the ACT and SAT exams

Science lessons to expose students to the types of passages, question types, and strategies for the ACT Science section and for the SAT Reading passages with figures and tables

Writing lessons that review the prompts, scoring, and examples for the ACT Writing and SAT Essay sections

6 real ACT exams that you can self-proctor, self-score, and then review step-by-step explanations for each missed question (ACT diagnostic is available to download through the platform and then ACT tests 1-5 are available in the ACT Official Prep Guide)

6 real SAT exams that you can self-proctor, self-score, and then review step-by-step explanations for each missed question (SAT diagnostic and SAT tests 1-5 are all available to download through the platform)

Given the extra time students have during the school closure, I encourage you all to take advantage of this resource.

Here are the instructions to sign up:

  1. Go to

  2. Click on the button in the upper right corner to create a free 14-day trial

  3. When completing the fields to create your account, please write “Serra HS” in the box that asks, “How did you hear about us”.

  4. Winward Academy will track students who indicate that they heard from “Serra HS”, and those accounts will be manually extended through June 12th. Given that this account upgrade will be a manual process, please understand that your account extension could be completed within 1 hour or within 1 day. During the time before it’s extended, you’ll still be able to get started with an ACT diagnostic, SAT diagnostic, or 10 lessons that are active while your account is still set to a “free trial” status.

You will get the most out of this access to Winward Academy if you know about all its robust features and lessons. Please go to and watch the Demo of Lessons and Demo of Practice Tests, so you know what to expect and how to maximize your time using it.


Buenos días familias de Serra,

Como parte de nuestros continuos esfuerzos para obtener todos los recursos de calidad disponibles, me complace compartir que todas las familias de las escuelas secundarias de SDUSD tendrán acceso al plan de estudios de la Academia Winward hasta el final del año escolar. Los estudiantes pueden usar Winward Academy para acceder a lo siguiente:

Lecciones de inglés para desarrollar habilidades básicas en gramática y mecánica necesarias para la habilidad de escritura diaria y también para los exámenes ACT de inglés y SAT de escritura y lenguaje

Lecciones de matemáticas para revisar los conceptos más frecuentemente probados en Álgebra, Geometría y Álgebra II / Trig que surgen en los exámenes ACT y SAT

Lecciones de lectura para exponer a los estudiantes a los tipos de pasajes, tipos de preguntas y estrategias para los exámenes ACT y SAT

Lecciones de ciencias para exponer a los estudiantes a los tipos de pasajes, tipos de preguntas y estrategias para la sección de Ciencias ACT y para los pasajes de lectura SAT con figuras y tablas.

Lecciones de escritura que revisan las indicaciones, la puntuación y los ejemplos de las secciones de redacción de ACT y ensayo SAT

6 exámenes ACT reales que puede auto-supervisar, auto-calificar y luego revisar las explicaciones paso a paso para cada pregunta omitida (el diagnóstico ACT está disponible para descargar a través de la plataforma y luego las pruebas ACT 1-5 están disponibles en el ACT Guía oficial de preparación)

6 exámenes SAT reales que puede auto-supervisar, auto-calificar y luego revisar las explicaciones paso a paso para cada pregunta omitida (el diagnóstico SAT y las pruebas SAT 1-5 están disponibles para descargar a través de la plataforma)

Dado el tiempo extra que los estudiantes tienen durante el cierre de la escuela, les animo a todos a aprovechar este recurso.

Aquí están las instrucciones para registrarse:

  1. Ir

  2. Haga clic en el botón en la esquina superior derecha para crear una prueba gratuita de 14 días

  3. Cuando complete los campos para crear su cuenta, escriba "Serra HS" en el cuadro que pregunta: "¿Cómo se enteró de nosotros"?

  4. Winward Academy hará un seguimiento de los estudiantes que indiquen que escucharon de Serra HS, y esas cuentas se extenderán manualmente hasta el 12 de junio. Dado que esta actualización de la cuenta será un proceso manual, comprenda que la extensión de su cuenta podría completarse dentro de 1 hora o dentro de 1 día. Durante el tiempo antes de que se extienda, aún podrá comenzar con un diagnóstico ACT, un diagnóstico SAT o 10 lecciones que estén activas mientras su cuenta todavía esté configurada en estado de "prueba gratuita".

Aprovecharás al máximo este acceso a Winward Academy si conoces todas sus características y lecciones sólidas. Por favor ve a y vea la demostración de las lecciones y la demostración de las pruebas de práctica, para saber qué esperar y cómo aprovechar al máximo su tiempo.

Stay tuned for updates!

Dr. Erica Renfree

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