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  • Writer's pictureNicholas Stewart


The Kiwanis Foundation of Tierrasanta is pleased to announce that it will be awarding the Vernon D. Bowman, Thomas G. Cherniss, George V. Paluso, and Elaine & Lonnie Folsom Scholarships at the end of the school year to graduating seniors of Canyon Hills High School. These scholarships are awarded annually to students who best exemplify Kiwanis ideals.

Selection for all four scholarships will be based on the applicant’s depth of participation and success with regards to Academic Achievement, Community Activity Participation, Canyon Hills High School Activity Participation, and Leadership; for the Paluso scholarship, an additional criterion of Athletic Participation and Achievement will be considered. All applicants must provide:

1. An official transcript in a sealed envelope (or, if emailing, a scanned copy of your transcript).

2. A list of verified Community Activity Participation, Canyon Hills High School Activity Participation, and Athletic Participation and Achievement.

3. A reflective essay regarding your high school and community service activities (Times New Roman, 12 point, double spaced, maximum 2 pages – extra pages will not be reviewed).

4. A signed letter of recommendation.

Applicants need only submit one application to be considered for all four scholarships – please remember to address items 1 – 4 above in your application.

Scholarship selectees will be notified by mid-May and awards will either be made at the annual Awards Night activities in June or mailed to students at their home address if Awards Night is canceled due to unforeseen circumstances.

Hard or soft-copy application packages will be available at the Canyon Hills High School Guidance office commencing Friday, March 31, 2023; alternatively, applicants may request an application package by contacting Sheila Weiner at An application is included on the following pages - please return all application packages to the Canyon Hills High School Guidance Office, or to Sheila Weiner at by email or by mailing them to her at 4765 Seda Drive, San Diego, California 92124-2456. All applications must be received (received, not postmarked) by midnight on Thursday, April 27, 2023.

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